He's my best friend. Everything I've ever wanted in a guy. It hasn't been very long that we've officially been together..but he's been one of the most important people in my life for so long that it feels SO much longer. I really think I'm falling for him...I mean I already loved him being that we've been friends for a while now and feelings just grew from there but l think I'm starting to fall in love with him. He got me a polaroid...and an Ipod touch...and a $50 Itunes giftcard... but all of that means absolutely nothing to me. I don't care about what he gets me or pays for. Its the way he makes me feel..I really love the butterflies l get when he tells me how much he cares about me, or looks at me like I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen...He doesn't really understand how that makes me feel and quite frankly, I don't really know how to describe it. When he touches me, I feel like I'm on fire, and when he kisses me, my mind can't focus on any other thing in the world that dare think it makes me happier. My family loves him. Even my