With all the respect to the self-proclaimed know-it-all ‘not even historians’, contradictory to the perverted scripts and ignorant knowledge people have induced in the poorly written historical media telecasted scripts, Ruqaiya was a kind-hearted and noble woman, the one who was the most favored and the most loved of her husband. Not even the highlighted and, in my opinion, overrated Jodha Bai(or Heer Kunwari who was the mother to Emperor Jahangir) came close to the place Ruqaiya had cemented in her husband’s heart. I admit Jodha Bai was an important Queen, but most of the facts that make her famous (in actual history), was because of her inter-religion marriage and her son – the future heir. And it wasn’t even that he had only one son, only with his so-called ‘favorite’ wife