Many people although being from muslim families and somewhat more or less practicing and aware than others do not know that our new year does not start with JANUARY. This month does not represent the beginning of New Year for Muslims… Many of you might be shocked but this is truth.. Our new year has started almost 2 months back… MUHARRAM is the beginning of New Year not January. The month in which the battle of Kerbala took place on 10th of this month. Have you ever wondered why Battle of Kerbala took place in this month? Look at the wisdom of it…. If it would have happened 10 days before it would have been in Dhul hajj(the last month of Islamic calendar) or if it would have taken place after 20 days it would have been the month of Saffar but Allah specifically chose the month of Muharram..
January tells us to do partying, hanging out with friends, drinking and dancing, remaining awake whole night and boozing off, doing Zina(fornication)[that many people think is fun].. this is the message that January gives us.. But look at Muharram – it reminds us about the shadah of Hasan radi allahu anhu and Hussain radi allahu anhu. It shows us how to sacrifice ourselves for Allah subhanahu wata’ala, how to love Him, how to trust Him. January does not give us this message, it tempts us to commit sins Muharram gives us this beautiful message. Wallahi brothers and sisters, if we truly understand this message our lives will get changed.
Remember do not wish each other “Happy New Year” because this is not our new year.