First I speak English a little apologized if there were mistakes
Secondly maybe my profile sparked your curiosity
Well I'll tell you in everything and honestly I was before I saw your message I was thinking about leaving the program because I do not think that one understands me
I wanted an American or British Muslim because I see that they are better in Dealing with a woman and not a US or British only until the Germans and the western countries Arai they best know Amratan of European country two Muslim spoke to me about it much
important in
my country there are definitely good people but things sad happened to me make me thinking person European Muslim
and feel of your speech that you are very upset, but ok I respect the views of the people and their questions
The theme of the work, I do not work
with that I dreamed to matters and many but not all Mantmanah found and because of circumstances prevented me
and I hope to God that achieves dreams everyone has a dream of a beautiful and honest
and apologized to bother profile
has been involved in this program of 3 days or 4
and I was thinking leave the program
anyway if you want to ask Answer who