Tools of incorporating virtual realityCreating and handling a virtual environment includes many tools, as follows:A. Tools of creating virtual environmentLately, machines have greatly been developed. They form a container that takes a personfrom reality to the virtual world. They have a certain ability and professional technique ofdisplaying the real environment of tourism and hotels services on one or more screen(s), ahelmet, or a glass. They include computers with their software that allow creating 3Dmodels and a real simulation of the environment. In addition, sound software may beadded to create the appropriate stereophonic sounds to complete the virtual environment,draw an imaginary image, and sense devices, e.g. gloves that are treated, and prepare theappropriate responses such as fear, excitement, magic, satisfaction, heat, coldness,surrounding environment, and quality. That is, using these devices can consolidateaugmented reality, especially in entertainment aspects (Jerlard, 2015). As shown at thefollowing pictures in the next pages.B. Tools of dealing with virtual reality- Visualization- Displays and projectors- Head mounted displayFigure 3: HMD devices