her fingers inside his shirt tickling him, a blush forming on her cheeks. Jalal gently pulls away while playfully slapping her butt says "silly girl, stop making it hard for me, leave now before things get out of hand, I have a lot of work I want to catch up with ..."
That afternoon, Jalal said he was going out and would not be home for lunch and left for whatever reason, he didn't tell her where he was going and she did not ask, he returned home later that evening to a very inquisitive mother in law who seemed to imply that it was his duty to inform his wife about his whereabouts ...Jalal was not happy with her meddling in his life, gets ticked off immediately, gives her an arrogant look and asks her to stay out of his life ...his sudden change of attitude shocked all three ladies ...Jo follows him to the bedroom, glares at him angrily and says "I do not appreciate you speaking to my mother that .