Hi abo abeer!
Thanks again for sending us your Geofilter submission. After carefully reviewing your work, we're sorry to say that we won't be able to publish it. As you know, each Geofilter must satisfy a number of criteria before we can push it publicly. Generally, a Geofilter is not accepted for publication for one of the following reasons:
Not Original Content: All graphics and portions of the graphic must be 100% original. Absolutely no logos or trademarks, including school crests or similar marks will be accepted
Not visually interesting or useful: Make sure all submitted Geofilters are something that people will want to use! Remember, anyone within the Geofence will have access to the filter.
Not relevant or too broad: Keep it local. Don't cover an entire country, state, or province. We consider Geofilters for entire cities, but the bigger the city, the higher the bar for quality.
Insufficient description: If your filter doesn't speak for itself, tell us why it's important!
Incorrectly formatted (PNGs): Make sure your Geofilter asset fits in a 1080x1920 pixel box. Also make sure that the file is not too huge (over 300kb).
Non-transparent background: Make sure you export your Geofilter on a background that is transparent. A common mistake is to export on an opaque background.