{40121}{40223}If I save one kid from getting ---{40227}{40297}from hav ترجمة - {40121}{40223}If I save one kid from getting ---{40227}{40297}from hav العربية كيف أقول

{40121}{40223}If I save one kid fro

{40121}{40223}If I save one kid from getting ---
{40227}{40297}from having his --- totally ---
{40301}{40397}until it looks like the Lincoln Tunnel|and he can 't stand up for three weeks...
{40401}{40523}then maybe all of this is worth|something.
{40559}{40665}Teachers everywhere have to learn|that no means no.
{40669}{40728}At least until we've dropped out.
{40732}{40779}I'm just gonna give you|the broad strokes here...
{40780}{40825}'cause I've got|my own problems with Matt.
{40863}{40937}Bill got suspended with pay.|It didn't even bother him.
{40941}{41015}I guess when your first boyfriend, Tom,|the dead guy, croaks in front of you...
{41017}{41067}and his stupid sister|takes over your life...
{41069}{41103}and then your next|boyfriend splits...
{41107}{41151}you're kind of primed for shit.
{41155}{41225}It's hard to top that with|suspensions and people hating you...
{41229}{41283}and losing a job you're too|rich for anyway.
{41287}{41343}Lucia said it was denial. Natch,|what else?
{41347}{41435}Bill just hired a lawyer, stayed|at home, and worked on his garden.
{42089}{42173}Meanwhile, guess who was having|the time of her life.
{42193}{42244}Because all her predictions came|true.
{42246}{42304}Between the time we left|and that stupid phone call...
{42306}{42382}which I can't go into right now,|she was flying.
{42495}{42538}Look at the lipstick on her.
{42542}{42593}She better hope it's drool-proof.
{42623}{42667}You don't have to hear any of this.
{42671}{42735}There's nothing going on except|her trying not to leave.
{42764}{42865}She had a life once. She just, I|don't know, stopped feeding it.
{42869}{42926}So after a while it wandered away.
{42930}{43002}They started out like a typical|American family.
{43007}{43092}And you know how that ends up. They|typically went to shit pretty quick.
{43096}{43182}Marcia, Tricia, Lucia...
{43231}{43275}Tom, the dead guy.
{43327}{43405}If you ask me, it was a giveaway|he liked the spanking.
{43471}{43517}This is Tricia's wedding.
{43565}{43662}Tom turned out cute, didn't he?|They all do.
{43667}{43701}She didn't.
{43743}{43807}I know in movies you kind of feel|sorry for girls like this.
{43811}{43902}But in real life, you wouldn't be|sitting next to her either.
{43906}{43951}Come over here, honey.
{43955}{44010}Come here. Come here, Lucia.
{44111}{44181}Here you go. Would you take care of|these, please.
{44312}{44395}Right now she's thinking, "At|least I've got Tom."
{44399}{44489}Ever since they were kids, she had|like a crush on him or something.
{44587}{44622}So did the best man.
{44788}{44831}You could tell it wrecked her.
{44835}{44903}She was a virgin till she was|twenty-eight.
{44907}{44975}But she eventually sort of, kind|of, maybe forgave her brother.
{44979}{45045}She had to. No one else in the|family could stand her.
{45049}{45137}Besides, he was a stockbroker in the|'80's, and he made a lot of money.
{45139}{45219}You didn't buy me a house?|You bought me a house?
{45223}{45270}Happy birthday.
{45274}{45358}Oh, my god, I can't believe you.
{45363}{45405}I love you.
{45409}{45470}I love you, too, Tom.
{45475}{45529}None of this makes me like her more.
{45533}{45630}But I thought you should know...|just to be fair.
{45677}{45725}Hi, Carl.
{45729}{45813}What a coincidence, I was just|talking to Bill. He sounds good.
{45817}{45858}No thanks to you.
{45862}{45914}It wasn't personal, you know that.
{45919}{45964}I do, do l?
{45968}{46043}The kid's story's not gonna hold up.|The Board will clear him.
{46047}{46095}His reputation is ruined.
{46099}{46146}He never gave a damn about|reputation.
{46151}{46222}Then he's got company. See you,|Carl.
{46271}{46326}Hang on...
{46330}{46399}I can't remember whether Nancy said|these should make noise or not.
{46403}{46450}What do you think?
{46455}{46529}I think you should ask someone who|gives a shit.
{46533}{46577}Why don't you ask her nurse?
{46652}{46731}I didn't figure you for somebody|who'd listen to gossip.
{46783}{46860}Suppose you mind your business|and I'll mind mine, okay?
{47103}{47140}I'm home!
{47230}{47284}He called. He fucking called.
{47288}{47349}Come on up, I'll play you the|message.
{47513}{47547}Did you call back?
{47551}{47639}Yeah. It's some kind of a pay phone|in L.A...
{47643}{47717}corner of Robertson and Santa|Monica.
{47719}{47758}I called Carl.
{47759}{47823}He's got some kind of a program|with every phone number in the U.S.
{47827}{47864}When did you call Carl?
{47868}{47903}About an hour ago.
{47907}{47975}I just saw him at the store.
{47979}{48027}Yeah, right, whatever.
{48031}{48079}Will you keep an eye on the house|for me while I'm gone?
{48083}{48127}You don't know where they're living.
{48131}{48173}I'll find them. I found the pay|phone.
{48177}{48228}But why?
{48232}{48335}What do you mean, why? To drag his|sorry ass back here, that's why.
{48339}{48462}To make Jason take it all back,|and to ship Dedee...
{48464}{48517}back to her miserable mother|whether she likes it or not.
{48522}{48603}Give Jason the number.|That's all he's interested in.
{48605}{48647}And then he'll drop the charges.
{48648}{48707}And let her mother go out there|and pick her up.
{48708}{48773}This is what I'm doing. I can get|someone else to watch the house.
{48940}{48975}You know what your problem is?
{48979}{49067}I need two tickets tomorrow, O'Hare|to Los Angeles.
{49071}{49175}Yeah, Dalury, Lucia, L-U-C-l-A, and
{49179}{49250}Guess what? I know how my own name|is pronounced.
{50643}{50687}Maybe they're just bad pictures.
{50691}{50750}Maybe he grew a beard or colored his|hair or something.
{50755}{50799}It was such a stupid idea.
{50803}{50873}A guy makes a call from a pay phone|in a city of eight million...
{50877}{50929}and I think I can find him.
{50991}{51049}If you're meant to find him, you|will.
{51053}{51150}It's like you ending up teaching at|my school and me introducing you to Tom.
{51155}{51225}It's fate.|And that's how it's gonna be with Matt.
{51229}{51289}I say we give this up and we go|home.
{51293}{51349}And one day, if the gods want you to|see him again...
{51353}{51418}he's gonna be sitting in the seat|next to you on a plane.
{51422}{51499}Or his socks will be in your dryer|at some Laundromat.
{51503}{51544}It's destiny.
{51548}{51589}I don't believe in destiny.
{51593}{51671}Fuck, who does?|It was worth a try.
{51703}{51754}Excuse me. Bathroom.
{53176}{53208}Poor Bill.
{53212}{53293}It must be inherited from our|father, you know, being romantic.
{53297}{53369}It's just...when it's a man being|romantic about a woman...
{53373}{53423}it's not as revolting.
{53455}{53513}Why did he grow that beard?
{53517}{53609}And his posture...he looks like|early man.
{53613}{53665}He hurt his back lifting.
{53721}{53769}I'm going to that dinner tomorrow|night.
{53773}{53845}I've got a few things I'd like to|say to her, and to him, too.
{53849}{53897}Lucia, I know what I'm doing.
{53901}{53933}You think so?
{53937}{53985}You're like a lobster in a pot.
{53989}{54077}You're just thrilled that the|water's getting toasty.
{54281}{54388}When they get to the money, let me|do the talking, okay?
{54441}{54478}Thanks for coming.
{54601}{54639}- Hi, Lucia.|- Hi, Matt.
{54643}{54697}- Couldn't stay away, huh?|- You shaved it off.
{54701}{54807}I didn't like it. So are you|enjoying your stay?
{54811}{54871}I don't know if that's the word for|it.
{54876}{54975}Can I ask you something, Dedee? When did|you meet Matt? R
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
{40121}{40223}إذا حفظ طفل واحد من الحصول على--{40227}{40297} من الحاجة له------تماما{40301}{40397} حتى أنه يبدو وكأنه Tunnel|and لينكولن أنه يمكن ' ر الوقوف لمدة ثلاثة أسابيع...{40401}{40523} ثم ربما كل هذا هو worth|something.{40559}{40665}وقد المعلمين في كل مكان إلى learn|that لا يعني لا.{40669}{40728}على الأقل حتى لقد اسقطنا.{40732}{40779}أنا مجرد الذهاب إلى إعطاء السكتات الدماغية واسع you|the هنا...{40780}{40825} قضية لقد قمت got|my المشاكل الخاصة مع مات.{40863}{40937}حصلت على تعليق بيل مع الأجور. |لم أكن حتى عناء له.{40941}{41015}أعتقد عند صديقها الأول الخاص بك، توم، |the الرجل الميت، ينعق أمامك...{41017}{41067} وله sister|takes غبي على مدى حياتك...{41069}{41103}، ثم الخاص بك next|boyfriend انشقاقات...{41107}41151 {} كنت نوع من معبي القرف.{41155}{41225}من الصعب أن أعلى هذا with|suspensions والناس يكرهون لك...{41229}{41283} وفقدان وظيفة كنت too|rich لعلى أي حال.{41287}{41343}لوسيا قال أنه رفض. Natch، |what آخر؟{41347}{41435}بيل فقط استأجرت محام، ومنزل stayed|at، وعملت في حديقة منزله.{41471}{41503}جوابهم!{42089}{42173}وفي الوقت نفسه، تخمين الذي كان وقت having|the من حياتها.{42193}{42244}نظراً لأن جميع came|true تنبؤات لها.{42246}{42304}بين الوقت ونحن left|and هذا غبي هاتف المكالمة...{42306}{42382} الذي لا يدخل الحق الآن، كانت ترفع |she.{42495}{42538}انظروا إلى أحمر الشفاه على بلدها.{42542}{42593}وقالت أنها أفضل أمل أنها واقية من سأل لعابه.{42623}{42667}لم يكن لديك لسماع أي شيء من هذا.{42671}{42735}لا يوجد شيء يحدث except|her لا تحاول مغادرة.{42764}{42865}وقالت أنها كان في حياة مرة واحدة. أنها فقط، I|don ' ر تعرف، توقفت التغذية عليه.{42869}{42926}حتى بعد حين أنها تجولت بعيداً.{42930}{43002}أنها بدأت مثل typical|عائلة أمريكية.{43007}{43092}وتعلمون كيف أن ينتهي. They|typically ذهب القرف جداً سريعة.{43096}{43182}مارسيا، تريشيا، لوسيا...{43231}{43275}توم، الرجل الميت.{43327}{43405}إذا كنت تسألني، كان يحب giveaway|he الضرب.{43471}{43517}وهذا هو حفل زفاف في تريشيا.{43565}{43662}توم تحولت لطيف، لم يكن هو؟ |أنهم جميعا القيام به.{43667}{43701}وقالت لم أكن.{43743}{43807}أنا أعرف في أفلام لك نوع من feel|sorry للفتيات من هذا القبيل.{43811}{43902}ولكن في الحياة الحقيقية، كنت لن be|sitting بجوار لها أما.{43906}{43951}يأتي أكثر هنا، العسل.{43955}{44010}تعال هنا. تأتي هنا، لوسيا.{44111}{44181}هنا يمكنك الذهاب. هل تأخذ الرعاية of|these، يرجى.{44312}{44395}والآن تفكر، "لقد حصلت على توم At|least".{44399}{44489}منذ ذلك الحين وهم أطفال، أنها had|like على سحق له أو شيء من هذا.{44587}{44622}وكذلك فعل أفضل رجل.{44788}{44831}يمكن أن نقول أنها دمرت لها.{44835}{44903}وقالت أنها عذراء حتى أنها was|twenty ثمانية.{44907}{44975}ولكنها قالت أنها في نهاية المطاف نوع من، kind|of، وربما غفر شقيقها.{44979}{45045}وقالت أن. أي شخص آخر في the|family يمكن أن يقف لها.{45049}{45137}وعلاوة على ذلك، كان سوق الأوراق المالية في the| '80 's، وأنه بذل الكثير من المال.{45139}{45219}You didn't buy me a house?|You bought me a house?{45223}{45270}Happy birthday.{45274}{45358}Oh, my god, I can't believe you.{45363}{45405}I love you.{45409}{45470}I love you, too, Tom.{45475}{45529}None of this makes me like her more.{45533}{45630}But I thought you should know...|just to be fair.{45635}{45673}Lucia...{45677}{45725}Hi, Carl.{45729}{45813}What a coincidence, I was just|talking to Bill. He sounds good.{45817}{45858}No thanks to you.{45862}{45914}It wasn't personal, you know that.{45919}{45964}I do, do l?{45968}{46043}The kid's story's not gonna hold up.|The Board will clear him.{46047}{46095}His reputation is ruined.{46099}{46146}He never gave a damn about|reputation.{46151}{46222}Then he's got company. See you,|Carl.{46271}{46326}Hang on...{46330}{46399}I can't remember whether Nancy said|these should make noise or not.{46403}{46450}What do you think?{46455}{46529}I think you should ask someone who|gives a shit.{46533}{46577}Why don't you ask her nurse?{46581}{46648}Shari?{46652}{46731}I didn't figure you for somebody|who'd listen to gossip.{46783}{46860}Suppose you mind your business|and I'll mind mine, okay?{47103}{47140}I'm home!{47230}{47284}He called. He fucking called.{47288}{47349}Come on up, I'll play you the|message.{47513}{47547}Did you call back?{47551}{47639}Yeah. It's some kind of a pay phone|in L.A...{47643}{47717}corner of Robertson and Santa|Monica.{47719}{47758}I called Carl.{47759}{47823}He's got some kind of a program|with every phone number in the U.S.{47827}{47864}When did you call Carl?{47868}{47903}About an hour ago.{47907}{47975}I just saw him at the store.{47979}{48027}Yeah, right, whatever.{48031}{48079}Will you keep an eye on the house|for me while I'm gone?{48083}{48127}You don't know where they're living.{48131}{48173}I'll find them. I found the pay|phone.{48177}{48228}But why?{48232}{48335}What do you mean, why? To drag his|sorry ass back here, that's why.{48339}{48462}To make Jason take it all back,|and to ship Dedee...{48464}{48517}back to her miserable mother|whether she likes it or not.{48522}{48603}Give Jason the number.|That's all he's interested in.{48605}{48647}And then he'll drop the charges.{48648}{48707}And let her mother go out there|and pick her up.{48708}{48773}This is what I'm doing. I can get|someone else to watch the house.{48940}{48975}You know what your problem is?{48979}{49067}I need two tickets tomorrow, O'Hare|to Los Angeles.{49071}{49175}Yeah, Dalury, Lucia, L-U-C-l-A, and{49179}{49250}Guess what? I know how my own name|is pronounced.{50643}{50687}Maybe they're just bad pictures.{50691}{50750}Maybe he grew a beard or colored his|hair or something.{50755}{50799}It was such a stupid idea.{50803}{50873}A guy makes a call from a pay phone|in a city of eight million...{50877}{50929}and I think I can find him.{50991}{51049}If you're meant to find him, you|will.{51053}{51150}It's like you ending up teaching at|my school and me introducing you to Tom.{51155}{51225}It's fate.|And that's how it's gonna be with Matt.{51229}{51289}I say we give this up and we go|home.{51293}{51349}And one day, if the gods want you to|see him again...{51353}{51418}he's gonna be sitting in the seat|next to you on a plane.{51422}{51499}Or his socks will be in your dryer|at some Laundromat.{51503}{51544}It's destiny.{51548}{51589}I don't believe in destiny.{51593}{51671}Fuck, who does?|It was worth a try.{51703}{51754}Excuse me. Bathroom.{53176}{53208}Poor Bill.{53212}{53293}It must be inherited from our|father, you know, being romantic.{53297}{53369}It's just...when it's a man being|romantic about a woman...{53373}{53423}it's not as revolting.{53455}{53513}Why did he grow that beard?{53517}{53609}And his posture...he looks like|early man.{53613}{53665}He hurt his back lifting.{53721}{53769}I'm going to that dinner tomorrow|night.{53773}{53845}I've got a few things I'd like to|say to her, and to him, too.{53849}{53897}Lucia, I know what I'm doing.{53901}{53933}You think so?{53937}{53985}You're like a lobster in a pot.{53989}{54077}You're just thrilled that the|water's getting toasty.{54281}{54388}When they get to the money, let me|do the talking, okay?{54441}{54478}Thanks for coming.{54601}{54639}- Hi, Lucia.|- Hi, Matt.{54643}{54697}- Couldn't stay away, huh?|- You shaved it off.{54701}{54807}I didn't like it. So are you|enjoying your stay?{54811}{54871}I don't know if that's the word for|it.{54876}{54975}Can I ask you something, Dedee? When did|you meet Matt? R
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
{40121}{40223}If I save one kid from getting ---
{40227}{40297}from having his --- totally ---
{40301}{40397}until it looks like the Lincoln Tunnel|and he can 't stand up for three weeks...
{40401}{40523}then maybe all of this is worth|something.
{40559}{40665}Teachers everywhere have to learn|that no means no.
{40669}{40728}At least until we've dropped out.
{40732}{40779}I'm just gonna give you|the broad strokes here...
{40780}{40825}'cause I've got|my own problems with Matt.
{40863}{40937}Bill got suspended with pay.|It didn't even bother him.
{40941}{41015}I guess when your first boyfriend, Tom,|the dead guy, croaks in front of you...
{41017}{41067}and his stupid sister|takes over your life...
{41069}{41103}and then your next|boyfriend splits...
{41107}{41151}you're kind of primed for shit.
{41155}{41225}It's hard to top that with|suspensions and people hating you...
{41229}{41283}and losing a job you're too|rich for anyway.
{41287}{41343}Lucia said it was denial. Natch,|what else?
{41347}{41435}Bill just hired a lawyer, stayed|at home, and worked on his garden.
{42089}{42173}Meanwhile, guess who was having|the time of her life.
{42193}{42244}Because all her predictions came|true.
{42246}{42304}Between the time we left|and that stupid phone call...
{42306}{42382}which I can't go into right now,|she was flying.
{42495}{42538}Look at the lipstick on her.
{42542}{42593}She better hope it's drool-proof.
{42623}{42667}You don't have to hear any of this.
{42671}{42735}There's nothing going on except|her trying not to leave.
{42764}{42865}She had a life once. She just, I|don't know, stopped feeding it.
{42869}{42926}So after a while it wandered away.
{42930}{43002}They started out like a typical|American family.
{43007}{43092}And you know how that ends up. They|typically went to shit pretty quick.
{43096}{43182}Marcia, Tricia, Lucia...
{43231}{43275}Tom, the dead guy.
{43327}{43405}If you ask me, it was a giveaway|he liked the spanking.
{43471}{43517}This is Tricia's wedding.
{43565}{43662}Tom turned out cute, didn't he?|They all do.
{43667}{43701}She didn't.
{43743}{43807}I know in movies you kind of feel|sorry for girls like this.
{43811}{43902}But in real life, you wouldn't be|sitting next to her either.
{43906}{43951}Come over here, honey.
{43955}{44010}Come here. Come here, Lucia.
{44111}{44181}Here you go. Would you take care of|these, please.
{44312}{44395}Right now she's thinking, "At|least I've got Tom."
{44399}{44489}Ever since they were kids, she had|like a crush on him or something.
{44587}{44622}So did the best man.
{44788}{44831}You could tell it wrecked her.
{44835}{44903}She was a virgin till she was|twenty-eight.
{44907}{44975}But she eventually sort of, kind|of, maybe forgave her brother.
{44979}{45045}She had to. No one else in the|family could stand her.
{45049}{45137}Besides, he was a stockbroker in the|'80's, and he made a lot of money.
{45139}{45219}You didn't buy me a house?|You bought me a house?
{45223}{45270}Happy birthday.
{45274}{45358}Oh, my god, I can't believe you.
{45363}{45405}I love you.
{45409}{45470}I love you, too, Tom.
{45475}{45529}None of this makes me like her more.
{45533}{45630}But I thought you should know...|just to be fair.
{45677}{45725}Hi, Carl.
{45729}{45813}What a coincidence, I was just|talking to Bill. He sounds good.
{45817}{45858}No thanks to you.
{45862}{45914}It wasn't personal, you know that.
{45919}{45964}I do, do l?
{45968}{46043}The kid's story's not gonna hold up.|The Board will clear him.
{46047}{46095}His reputation is ruined.
{46099}{46146}He never gave a damn about|reputation.
{46151}{46222}Then he's got company. See you,|Carl.
{46271}{46326}Hang on...
{46330}{46399}I can't remember whether Nancy said|these should make noise or not.
{46403}{46450}What do you think?
{46455}{46529}I think you should ask someone who|gives a shit.
{46533}{46577}Why don't you ask her nurse?
{46652}{46731}I didn't figure you for somebody|who'd listen to gossip.
{46783}{46860}Suppose you mind your business|and I'll mind mine, okay?
{47103}{47140}I'm home!
{47230}{47284}He called. He fucking called.
{47288}{47349}Come on up, I'll play you the|message.
{47513}{47547}Did you call back?
{47551}{47639}Yeah. It's some kind of a pay phone|in L.A...
{47643}{47717}corner of Robertson and Santa|Monica.
{47719}{47758}I called Carl.
{47759}{47823}He's got some kind of a program|with every phone number in the U.S.
{47827}{47864}When did you call Carl?
{47868}{47903}About an hour ago.
{47907}{47975}I just saw him at the store.
{47979}{48027}Yeah, right, whatever.
{48031}{48079}Will you keep an eye on the house|for me while I'm gone?
{48083}{48127}You don't know where they're living.
{48131}{48173}I'll find them. I found the pay|phone.
{48177}{48228}But why?
{48232}{48335}What do you mean, why? To drag his|sorry ass back here, that's why.
{48339}{48462}To make Jason take it all back,|and to ship Dedee...
{48464}{48517}back to her miserable mother|whether she likes it or not.
{48522}{48603}Give Jason the number.|That's all he's interested in.
{48605}{48647}And then he'll drop the charges.
{48648}{48707}And let her mother go out there|and pick her up.
{48708}{48773}This is what I'm doing. I can get|someone else to watch the house.
{48940}{48975}You know what your problem is?
{48979}{49067}I need two tickets tomorrow, O'Hare|to Los Angeles.
{49071}{49175}Yeah, Dalury, Lucia, L-U-C-l-A, and
{49179}{49250}Guess what? I know how my own name|is pronounced.
{50643}{50687}Maybe they're just bad pictures.
{50691}{50750}Maybe he grew a beard or colored his|hair or something.
{50755}{50799}It was such a stupid idea.
{50803}{50873}A guy makes a call from a pay phone|in a city of eight million...
{50877}{50929}and I think I can find him.
{50991}{51049}If you're meant to find him, you|will.
{51053}{51150}It's like you ending up teaching at|my school and me introducing you to Tom.
{51155}{51225}It's fate.|And that's how it's gonna be with Matt.
{51229}{51289}I say we give this up and we go|home.
{51293}{51349}And one day, if the gods want you to|see him again...
{51353}{51418}he's gonna be sitting in the seat|next to you on a plane.
{51422}{51499}Or his socks will be in your dryer|at some Laundromat.
{51503}{51544}It's destiny.
{51548}{51589}I don't believe in destiny.
{51593}{51671}Fuck, who does?|It was worth a try.
{51703}{51754}Excuse me. Bathroom.
{53176}{53208}Poor Bill.
{53212}{53293}It must be inherited from our|father, you know, being romantic.
{53297}{53369}It's just...when it's a man being|romantic about a woman...
{53373}{53423}it's not as revolting.
{53455}{53513}Why did he grow that beard?
{53517}{53609}And his posture...he looks like|early man.
{53613}{53665}He hurt his back lifting.
{53721}{53769}I'm going to that dinner tomorrow|night.
{53773}{53845}I've got a few things I'd like to|say to her, and to him, too.
{53849}{53897}Lucia, I know what I'm doing.
{53901}{53933}You think so?
{53937}{53985}You're like a lobster in a pot.
{53989}{54077}You're just thrilled that the|water's getting toasty.
{54281}{54388}When they get to the money, let me|do the talking, okay?
{54441}{54478}Thanks for coming.
{54601}{54639}- Hi, Lucia.|- Hi, Matt.
{54643}{54697}- Couldn't stay away, huh?|- You shaved it off.
{54701}{54807}I didn't like it. So are you|enjoying your stay?
{54811}{54871}I don't know if that's the word for|it.
{54876}{54975}Can I ask you something, Dedee? When did|you meet Matt? R
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