I held the magical beast egg in my hands and began gathering magic power. (After 1 days rest, my magic power has already recovered to by seven tenths.) Light essence flowed from my hand into the magical beast egg, causing it to float in the air. I used my left hand to draw a magic hexagram. With the magical beast egg in the center, I began reciting an incantation.
“All living creatures on this world, bear witness, I, Zhang Gong Wei, will share my energy with this creature before me, contract!” I bit my middle finger (it really hurts) and let a single drop of blood fall on top of the magical beast egg. Instantly, the magical beast egg began emitting a dazzling golden light.
“Ah! A growing type magical beast.” Teacher Xiu said in astonishment.
The magical beast egg began to crack open. From within a small white triangular head peeked out. It turned left and right, looking at it’s surroundings. He flung his head back and when he saw me, he gave a joyous cry. *Whoosh* He scuttled over onto my body and licked my face with his small tongue. It turns out it is actually a small white snake. (Oi. It isn’t Bai Su Zhen)(TL: From “Legend of the White Snake”) It sure is cute. On top of its triangular head there are 2 eyes that sparkle like black gemstones. A layer of unusually exquisite scale covers him. On his head there is a gold stripe that runs all the way to his tail. Indeed, he’s really adorable.
“Teacher Xiu, what magical beast is this?”
“Ah!” Teacher Xiu woke up from his astonishment and came over. “Zhang Gong ah. You obtained a treasure. This is a growth type magical beast that is only met once every hundred years! Although he is merely a 1st rank magical beast, as your strength increases, his strength will increase in correspondence. However, before he has grown powerful, you must not by all means let other people see him. Because no rank of magical beast will permit growth type magical beasts to mature.”
“O!” I didn’t really pay attention to Teacher Xiu’s words to the extent that afterwards….
“I’ll give you a name that’s good. What should it be? Xiao Bai? No, that’s not good. It’s like a small dog’s name. You have a gold stripe from head to tail, so you’ll be called Xiao Jin. All right?” I questioningly looked at Xiao Jin and asked. He seems to be very happy, scuttling back and forth.
“Well then, Zhang Gong, carry him on your body. Wait until his rank increases a bit then you can make a contract with him as your fate beast. A fate beast is able to have a spiritual connection with their master. Furthermore, they can be summoned with the the simplest summoning incantation. For now let him cling to your body and absorb your energy.”
I let Xiao Jin coil around my stomach as well as assemble some light essence to the place he is coiled around. Xiao Jin greedily absorbed my energy. He absorbed half of my energy before he stopped. It seems he fell asleep on my body.
“Teacher Xiu, how can he absorb half of my body’s energy? Don’t normal magical beasts only require a bit of their masters energy to survive? If he absorbs this much, he’ll absorb it until I die!”
“This is the first time he’s absorbing your energy, of course he needs to absorb a bit more. In the future he shouldn’t absorb that much. You must properly practice magic. Only if you grow stronger, then will your magical beast grow stronger.”
At last I have a magical beast. Haha. It’s a growth type too! Too wonderful!
For the first time, I unexpectedly aroused a studious mentality due to wanting to grow my magical beast.
The next day early in the morning, Teacher Xiu brought me to the Royal Intermediate Magic Academy. He lectured me and lectured me again. Finally, with red eyes he left. Strangely, the me who always rejected him unexpectedly doesn’t feel even a bit happy.
I took a deep breath. Forget about it. Don’t think about it. Teacher Xiu will still come back and visit me. I need to go report now.
I arrived at the first story of the school building located in the center of the academy to report. I knocked on the door.
“Please come in.” A deep voice resounded.
“Hello teacher. I’m here to check in.
“O. Come. You’re this exam’s top ranker, Zhang Gong right? In the future make sure to put in great effort and win honor for the academy.
Entering the registration department, I clearly saw that he’s actually a wind element great mage. (From the emblem of on the mage robes I identified him.) Approximately 50 years old.
“As a result of of your outstanding results during the match, the academy arranged for you to start in the second grade. The second grade? I haven’t even started school and they let me skip a year???
“Teacher, may I ask how many grades there are in the academy?”
“There are 5 grades. In the 5th grade there are graduation exams. Advanced magic academy acceptance is in accordance with the graduation exam results. (Royal Intermediate Magic Academy graduates are all able to enter an advanced magic academy.) Since the establishment of the academy, the most
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
عقدت البيضة الوحش السحرية في يدي، وبدأت في جمع القوة السحرية. (بعد أيام 1 بقية، بلدي القوة السحرية الفعل استرداد إلى بسبعة أعشار.) جوهر الخفيفة تتدفق من يدي إلى البيض الوحش السحرية، الأمر الذي أدى إلى تطفو في الهواء. أنا استخدم يدي اليسرى لرسم السداسية سحر. مع البيض الوحش السحرية في الوسط، بدأت تلاوة التعويذة."جميع المخلوقات الحية في هذا العالم، وتشهد،،" تشانغ قونغ وي "، وسوف تتقاسم طاقتي مع هذا المخلوق قبلي، عقد!" إصبعي الأوسط (حقاً يضر)، وتدع قطره واحدة من الدم تسقط على رأس البيضة الوحش السحرية. على الفور، بدأ البيض الوحش السحرية التي ينبعث منها ضوء مبهر ذهبي."آه! تزايد نوع سحرية وحش. " وقال شيوى المعلم في دهشة.بدأت البيضة الوحش السحرية للقضاء مفتوحة. من ضمن رأس ثلاثي أبيض صغير peeked بها. تحولت لليمين واليسار، تبحث في المناطق المحيطة بها لأنها. قال الأصقاع رأسه مرة أخرى، وعندما رأي لي، وقدم صرخة الفرحة. * از * أنه خرقها أكثر على جسمي ويمسح وجهي بلسانه الصغيرة. وتبين أنها فعلا ثعبان أبيض صغير. (منظمة أوكسفام الدولية. أنها ليست "بأي" سو تشن) (TL: من "أسطورة الثعبان الأبيض") من المؤكد لطيف. علاوة على رأسها الثلاثي هناك عيون 2 أن البريق مثل الأحجار السوداء. وتغطي طبقة من مقياس غير عادي رائعة له. على رأسه وهناك مجموعة شريطية الذهب التي تمتد على طول الطريق إلى ذيله. وفي الواقع، ورائعتين حقاً.“Teacher Xiu, what magical beast is this?”“Ah!” Teacher Xiu woke up from his astonishment and came over. “Zhang Gong ah. You obtained a treasure. This is a growth type magical beast that is only met once every hundred years! Although he is merely a 1st rank magical beast, as your strength increases, his strength will increase in correspondence. However, before he has grown powerful, you must not by all means let other people see him. Because no rank of magical beast will permit growth type magical beasts to mature.”“O!” I didn’t really pay attention to Teacher Xiu’s words to the extent that afterwards….“I’ll give you a name that’s good. What should it be? Xiao Bai? No, that’s not good. It’s like a small dog’s name. You have a gold stripe from head to tail, so you’ll be called Xiao Jin. All right?” I questioningly looked at Xiao Jin and asked. He seems to be very happy, scuttling back and forth.“Well then, Zhang Gong, carry him on your body. Wait until his rank increases a bit then you can make a contract with him as your fate beast. A fate beast is able to have a spiritual connection with their master. Furthermore, they can be summoned with the the simplest summoning incantation. For now let him cling to your body and absorb your energy.”I let Xiao Jin coil around my stomach as well as assemble some light essence to the place he is coiled around. Xiao Jin greedily absorbed my energy. He absorbed half of my energy before he stopped. It seems he fell asleep on my body."شيوى المعلم، كيف يمكن أنه يستوعب نصف الطاقة في جسمي؟ لا تتطلب البهائم السحرية العادية إلا قليلاً من الطاقة سادة البقاء على قيد الحياة؟ إذا أنه يمتص هذا بكثير، أنه سوف تستوعب أنه حتى أموت! ""هذه هي المرة الأولى أنه تم استيعاب الطاقة الخاصة بك، بطبيعة الحال أنه يحتاج إلى استيعاب أكثر قليلاً. في المستقبل أنه لا ينبغي استيعاب ذلك بكثير. يجب عليك بشكل صحيح أن ممارسة السحر. إلا إذا كنت تنمو أقوى، ثم سوف الخاص بك الوحش السحرية تنمو أقوى. "في الماضي لقد وحشا سحرية. هاها. نوع نمو جداً! رائعة جداً!للمرة الأولى، أنا بشكل غير متوقع آثار عقلية مواظب بسبب الرغبة تنمو بي الوحش السحرية.في اليوم التالي مبكرا في الصباح، وجلبت لي "شيوى المعلم" أكاديمية ماجيك المتوسطة الملكي. أنه حاضر لي وحاضر لي مرة أخرى. وأخيراً، مع أنه غادر العيون الحمراء. الغريب في الأمر لي الذين رفضت دائماً له بشكل غير متوقع لا يشعر حتى قليلاً سعيدة.أخذت نفسا عميقا. أنسى الأمر. لا تفكر في ذلك. سوف لا تزال العودة شيوى المعلم وزيارة لي. بحاجة للذهاب التقرير الآن.وصلت إلى أول قصة من مبنى المدرسة الواقعة في وسط الأكاديمية للتقرير. طرقت على الباب."يرجى تأتي". دوت بصوت عميق."مرحبا المعلم. وأنا هنا لإيداع."تأتي سين. كنت على حق تشانغ قونغ أعلى المراتب، في هذا الامتحان؟ في المستقبل تأكد من وضع في بذل جهد كبير والفوز بالشرف للأكاديمية.دخول دائرة التسجيل، رأيت من الواضح أنه فعلا رياح عنصر عظيم بركة. (من الشعار على الجلباب ماجي حددت له.) حوالي 50 عاماً.“As a result of of your outstanding results during the match, the academy arranged for you to start in the second grade. The second grade? I haven’t even started school and they let me skip a year???“Teacher, may I ask how many grades there are in the academy?”“There are 5 grades. In the 5th grade there are graduation exams. Advanced magic academy acceptance is in accordance with the graduation exam results. (Royal Intermediate Magic Academy graduates are all able to enter an advanced magic academy.) Since the establishment of the academy, the most
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