Dear Applicant,
You are welcome to participate in these forth-coming International events. This event will takes place from (February 8th- 12th 2016) in Los Angles, California - United States at the Los Angles Conference Center and from (February 15th- 19th 2016) in Stade Demba Diop, Dakar Senegal.
We accepted you to partake as you have been recommended by one of our staff-member. You may take this opportunity to participate in these International events. The theme of this forth-coming International Conferences is to equip participants with the strategies and policies to wage a global war against Ebola Virus, HIV/AIDS Child Abuse, Racism & Human Trafficking among our youths and our oung generation.
These events is been Organized and sponsored by the International Youth Peace Foundation Conference (I.Y.P.F) with the assistants of other benevolent organizations in the United States of America.
The conference organizing committee in conjunction with the donor sponsoring committee has mapped out some financial rewards to group participants that distinguished themselves in their areas of discipline. Panel of Judges has been appointed to oversee and to select participants on merit.
Our Aims and Objectives are:
- to raise awareness of the current Ebola Virus, HIV/AIDS situation among the youth all over the world.
- to increase the knowledge of opportunities, challenges and obstacles for combating the Ebola Virus, HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world.
- Provide support to people with Ebola Virus, HIV/AIDS and their loved ones, as well as people with a sexual health crisis/problem.
- Provide helpline support to anyone who is worried about or potentially facing a sexual health crisis.
- to establish links of co-operation, peace and unity among the youth all over the countries.
- to carry activities on solving the problems raised in front of the Youth, and also help to fight against racism and child abuse.
- to assist the systematization, proclamation and monitoring of the information, concerning Youth issues in united state and all over the world
- To promote the projects on the development of Youth initiatives etc.
The Interested participants of this forth-coming International Conference should send the following details via email, to our Registration Desk (
1) Names exactly as in passport:
2) Passport Numbers:
3) Date of Birth:
4) Place of Birth:
5) Country of Residence:
6) Direct Contact Numbers tell/cell:
7) Profession/Sex:
Awards and Gifts will be given to participants on merit. You are hereby advised to equip your selves and exhibit your God given talents to the fullest. We welcome Delegates, Inter-Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations young or old to this forth-coming International Conference.
REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS: A minimum of (1-3) or maximum of (4-6) persons are expected to participate together as a group or organization to represent their Country in this forth-coming events. None of them should be less than eighteen (18) years of age and all delegates must participate in both Conferences, USA/Dakar Senegal.
Note Very Important: It is not necessary that one must belong to an organization to be eligible to attend this event, he or she can also participate as an individual or a group of 1-2 members if he or she are not capable to form a group to represent a Country.
All delegate should be in possession of their International Passports to enable them participate in this conferences. You are hereby required to forward the names and passport numbers of your group members to us as soon as possible, as all participants visa assistance request will be forwarded to the US Department of State for visa Authorization which shall be sent to the consular section of the US. Embassy in your country of residence.
Participants are only responsible for their own hotel booking in Dakar Senegal through the recommended hotel in Dakar Senegal for the second phase of this event. The organizing committee and the donor sponsoring committee of this event have mandated all participants to pay for their own hotel booking in order to prove to the US Department of State Visa Sector(UDSVS) that he/she will attend both events, and they do not have any intention to stay permanently in the United State after their participation in this forth-coming international conference, this is due to the past experiences in April 2007 international conference that was held here in United State and China, which lead to illegal immigrant to the United State of America.
All registered participants are entitled to a round trip air ticket, meals and accommodation which will be provided during their participation in the U.S.A.
Due to time factors of this forth-coming international events, We request that you quickly send us the requested details ASAP to enable us process your registration and move further to the next step.
Yours Sincerely,
Miret Johnson (Mrs)
Secretariat Office,
The International Youth Peace Foundation Conference (I.Y.P.F)
Los Angeles Conference Center
Tel: 001-504-217-5298
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