I have listened to poetry a few times and there are a few poems that I like, but I am more a fan of music.
My friends and I like to send each other songs. I always like hearing the songs of other cultures.
You have access to Youtube so if you like I can send you a few songs from our culture and I would like it if you could send me a few as well.
Star trek is science fiction. it is set in the 24th centurary where humans can travel form planet to planet and Earth is part of an intergalactic federal govermant called the United Federation of Planets.
The show is funny and also tackes life's big question such as racial discrimination and the meaning of life.
There are many tv shows, movies and books. It is called a cultural event.
Another thing I like to do is cook and of you like to cook as well we could exchange recipes. My father could cook like nobody's business (very well) and I learned much form him. I also like Italian, Chinese and mexican food.
If you speak all of those languages you are better than I am. I have heard that Arabian people have a facility with liguistics. :)
I am only learning Spanish because I like the language and Portuguese because my friend wants me to.
I will tell my mother that you send you regards and tell your family I send mine and hope that they will always be blessed. :)