General aftercare advice:
• Some pain/discomfort after treatment can be expected, Paracetamol can be taken if required. It is
advisable to avoid anti-inflammatories (such as Ibuprofen) as they can suppress new collagen formation
• With some procedures we will supply you with an oral antibiotic Azithromycin 500mg to take for 2 day
starting on the day of the procedure, to reduce the risk of infection.
• Do not have any other aesthetic procedures (such as toxins, fillers, peels etc.) for 7 days.
• Avoid extreme temperatures, alcohol and anti-coagulants for 7 days. Those taking prescribed anticoagulants such as aspirin/warfarin must continue to do so but must be aware that bruising is more likely.
• Gently wash the treated area as required, but do not rub or massage for 2 weeks.
• It is important not to overstretch the treated area (i.e. open the mouth wide) for 4 weeks (avoid dental
treatment during this time if possible).
• Do not have Radio-frequency, IPL, Laser or other heat treatments near the treated area for 10 weeks.