I know this message will come as a surprise to you but i want
to guarantee that at the end you will be the one to thank me
for asking you to partner me.
I worked as a director at Ghana National Gas Company,
where I used my good office to acquire the sum of
US$8.5million during my tenure.
Nevertheless, I would like you to stand as the beneficiary of
this fund so as to have the fund claimed and wire transfer out
of my country without further delay. This is because of my
country’s financial control on every serving and ex-
government officials.
Our sharing ratio will be agreed upon after you have
indicated interest in partnering me in this deal. I will
appreciate if you can send me your private telephone
numbers for discussion of this offer in more details.
Thank you and looking forward to a prosperous business
between us.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Patrick Kwaku
NB: Pls reply me on my personal email