Overall, the finding shows that the students tend to produce the alternative framework imagination in macro
imagination category on the concept of matter at submicroscopic level. The sequence of this trend, several
strategies has to be applied by the teachers during the teaching and learning process to overcome the macro
imagination production at the same time generating the scientific imagination. One of the strategies are the
teachers need to associate the students’ imagination with the related science concepts so that even they are
imagining based on their ability and interest, they are maintaining the scientific perspectives in their imagination
journey. By applying this strategy, it is hoped that the students are able to produce not only an attractive and
creative imagination, but also precise and scientific. Teachers’ exposure on the aspect of imagination during the
teaching and learning process among the students also must be enhanced. It is important for the students to
understand the phenomenon in details during the imagination process without ignoring the scientific concepts.
This situation will allow the students to generate the imagination beyond the boundaries but at the same time
retaining the science concepts as a basis. For instance, during imagining the particles’ movement, the students
must know the gas particles’ movement basis; Brownian motion. Hence, the imagination generated will be based
on the basic concept and becomes more precise and scientific.