STEP 1. You will start the first step with an oval shape for the head. When that is done sketch in the face guides like so.
STEP 2. Thicken the top part of the head shape you just drew for the lining of Knuckles kitty's hair. Add the pulled back ears like so, and then draw the two thick strands for the dreadlock type of style you see here.
STEP 3. Finish drawing the face shape like so, and then draw two large eyes. Thicken the top lids until you have bold lids, and when that is done you can draw the mouth, nose, and draw the short stubby whiskers. Add detailing to the ears and move along to step four.
STEP 4. The next thing you will do is draw the small stubby truck like legs and then sketch in some long hair on the chest.
STEP 5. You have reached the last step. As you can see all you have to do is draw the back of Knuckles kitty, as well as the tail, hind leg, and the rest of the dreadlocks. Draw some toe lines and then start cleaning up your drawing until the sketch looks good, and neat.
STEP 6. Here is the finished line art when you are all done. Now you can have a blast as you color in this kitty version of Knuckles from Sonic.