But rather is it from the families of the respectable artisans or lower middle class, from homes where exit simple manners, unostentatious but sterling piety, abundance of necessaries with an absence ofsuperfluities, a need for honest toil coupled with reasonable occasions of rest and leisure.
If, then, poverty means absolute want and beggary, it undoubtedly exercises a blighting and restraining influence, but if it signifies a position in life where a decent livelihood can be gained only through steady industry, then we may well say that its tendency Is to quicken the energies into more active life, and to develop all that is trust and most praiseworthy in human life and character.
77- The poet tells us of the 'divinity' that Doth Hedge a king', but the actual screen that royalty sets between it and obtrusive vulgarity is the safeguard of etiquette, which, despite the many contradictions and absurdity to which it gives, does unquestionably contribute much to the harmony and comfort of society.