النتائج (
العربية) 1:
20500:24:00,792 --> 00:24:03,624Then it was truewhat you told those girls.20600:24:03,792 --> 00:24:06,291You've never betrayedyour husband.20700:24:07,042 --> 00:24:11,416No, I said l had neverbetrayed him in Paris.20800:24:19,250 --> 00:24:23,166I said I had neverbetrayed him in Paris.20900:30:22,167 --> 00:30:25,124- What did you do today, my love?- Nothing.21000:30:25,333 --> 00:30:26,999l did nothing all day.21100:30:27,167 --> 00:30:30,124No more or lessthan all my friends in Bangkok.21200:30:30,292 --> 00:30:32,082What is there to do here?21300:30:32,792 --> 00:30:35,666There are lots of thingsto occupy you.21400:30:35,833 --> 00:30:39,082You can play tennis, golf or squash,21500:30:39,500 --> 00:30:43,082go for a boat ride on the canals,visit the pagodas.21600:30:43,625 --> 00:30:46,832- Or make love.- Even when you're not home?21700:30:47,042 --> 00:30:49,999You're not my possession,you're not my beauty.21800:30:50,167 --> 00:30:51,957You are beauty.21900:30:54,250 --> 00:30:55,791And l love you.22000:31:04,292 --> 00:31:07,541How far can true love go?22100:31:08,333 --> 00:31:11,624lt wouldn't be true loveif you could measure it.22200:31:12,042 --> 00:31:14,541Am l really the woman you want?22300:31:14,958 --> 00:31:16,624You're a lot more.22400:31:16,792 --> 00:31:18,916But l want to be even more.22500:31:19,083 --> 00:31:20,999How can l explain it?22600:31:21,167 --> 00:31:24,082l think love should be something22700:31:24,250 --> 00:31:28,499more important and more intelligentthan just making love.22800:31:28,667 --> 00:31:31,707But we can be even closerthrough pleasure.22900:31:31,875 --> 00:31:35,874lt's a question of state of mind,of mentality.23000:31:36,417 --> 00:31:40,124And a different wayof looking at love?23100:31:40,667 --> 00:31:42,957Not only love... Everything.23200:31:48,875 --> 00:31:51,082l want to drink you down.23300:32:11,458 --> 00:32:13,999Marie-Ange got me sort of upset.23400:32:14,167 --> 00:32:15,624Why Marie-Ange?23500:32:15,792 --> 00:32:17,916She's so precocious.23600:32:18,708 --> 00:32:21,707Can a little girlreveal the mysteries of love?23700:32:21,875 --> 00:32:25,916Why not?l'm sure l have progress to make.23800:32:26,875 --> 00:32:30,457Things l must discoverto become a real woman.23900:32:30,625 --> 00:32:32,749Your real woman.24000:32:32,917 --> 00:32:35,332Marie-Ange is so innocent.24100:32:36,458 --> 00:32:39,207She has no guilt.24200:32:39,375 --> 00:32:42,374Whatever she does,she does with purity.24300:32:42,542 --> 00:32:46,332Compared to her,l feel so full of prejudice.24400:32:46,500 --> 00:32:49,666You want to sleep with her?ls that bothering you?24500:32:49,833 --> 00:32:51,374lt doesn't matter.24600:32:51,875 --> 00:32:53,582l'd like to as well.24700:32:53,958 --> 00:32:55,916No, it's not that.24800:32:56,750 --> 00:33:01,416Marie-Ange, in a way,is sort of my teacher.24900:33:01,875 --> 00:33:03,124Like you are.25000:33:03,333 --> 00:33:05,166She's so... natural.25100:33:05,333 --> 00:33:08,082That's it. She's natural.25200:33:08,250 --> 00:33:10,749For example, one can say,25300:33:10,958 --> 00:33:14,499"l dreamed of his nice noselast night,"25400:33:14,667 --> 00:33:18,249but one can't say,"l fucked his nice dick last night."25500:33:18,417 --> 00:33:21,707But you can say it.You just said it.25600:34:15,042 --> 00:34:17,624That's not the way to hold it.25700:34:17,792 --> 00:34:20,582Like this.And keep your relaxed.25800:34:20,792 --> 00:34:23,666You know, you're so beautiful.25900:34:24,708 --> 00:34:26,082Right...26000:34:32,375 --> 00:34:35,499That's enough!My legs are going to give out.26100:34:39,833 --> 00:34:42,332Legs like yours don't give out.26200:34:42,708 --> 00:34:44,499They're too beautiful.26300:34:45,167 --> 00:34:46,957l'm dead.26400:34:47,125 --> 00:34:49,999- Sweetie!- We'll carry on another day.26500:34:50,500 --> 00:34:51,916Come on, darling.26600:35:13,208 --> 00:35:15,416Poor darling, you're all wet.26700:36:39,917 --> 00:36:42,082- Apparently l'm free.- You are.26800:36:42,250 --> 00:36:45,374Do as you like,as long as l can too.26900:36:45,542 --> 00:36:50,666- l'm that way with all my husbands.- l thought l was your one and only!27000:36:51,375 --> 00:36:54,332- l mean future husbands.- Hear that, Emmanuelle?27100:36:54,500 --> 00:36:58,291l may become even freer.Just in case you're interested.27200:36:58,458 --> 00:37:00,541One husband suits me fine.27300:37:00,708 --> 00:37:02,041Look...27400:37:02,458 --> 00:37:04,124Your young friend wants you.27500:37:04,875 --> 00:37:06,582Will you excuse me?27600:37:10,208 --> 00:37:11,999l've never seen that before.27700:37:12,167 --> 00:37:15,166Darling, this is Yves,whom l told you about.27800:37:15,583 --> 00:37:19,332Delighted to meet you.Jean's told me so much about you.27900:37:19,917 --> 00:37:22,874He doesn't know Bangkok.You could explore together.28000:37:23,042 --> 00:37:26,624- Actually, he knows all the dives.- l never set foot in them!28100:37:26,792 --> 00:37:29,041A virtuous man. How exciting!28200:37:29,208 --> 00:37:31,207Not virtuous. A hypocrite.28300:37:31,375 --> 00:37:34,624lt's not his fault,it's his social background.28400:37:34,792 --> 00:37:36,707- Hello!- Hello, sweet nymph.28500:37:36,875 --> 00:37:38,666l'm kidnapping Emmanuelle.28600:37:38,875 --> 00:37:41,749- l found you a man.- Who says l want one.28700:37:41,917 --> 00:37:45,624ldiot. You have to take a loverto become a real woman.28800:37:45,792 --> 00:37:47,582But l love my husband.28900:37:47,750 --> 00:37:50,707You're a virtuoso violinistfiddling alone.29000:37:50,875 --> 00:37:53,416lt's time you joined an orchestra.29100:37:53,583 --> 00:37:56,082Promise me you'll dojust as l say.29200:37:56,250 --> 00:37:58,374- And what's that?- You'll see.29300:37:58,542 --> 00:38:00,041lf it amuses you!29400:38:00,208 --> 00:38:01,707- There he is.- Who?29500:38:01,917 --> 00:38:04,124Mario, the man l chose for you.29600:38:04,708 --> 00:38:06,166But he's old.29700:38:06,333 --> 00:38:08,874Knowledge gives youeternal youth.29800:38:09,542 --> 00:38:13,416Forgive me for not being seducedand sticking to my sad life.29900:38:13,583 --> 00:38:17,707Your conversation repulses me.All you talk of is sex.30000:38:17,875 --> 00:38:19,666l'm sick of it. Goodbye.30100:38:19,833 --> 00:38:21,207She's angry.30200:38:22,167 --> 00:38:24,332- Hello.- Hello, Marie-Ange.30300:38:24,500 --> 00:38:26,541This is Emmanuelle.30400:38:27,500 --> 00:38:29,957Your friend's beauty
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