Dear Employee,
This email is to notify that ICT Information Security E-Learning courses have been assigned to you. These are mandatory courses for all Satorp employees.
Kindly access SuccessFactors LMS system and follow below instructions to undertake the courses:
- Each course is composed of a video followed by a quiz. Please use a headset for the video
- The course should not be completed unless you pass the quiz
- The passing rate is 80% (i.e. 8 correct answers out of 10 are required)
- You have 5 chances only to pass the quiz
- Once completed, the course is removed from your inbox and you can see it in the History menu. Pending courses still show in your inbox
- You will receive a certificate for successful completion of the course
- Due date for completing all the courses is December 31st, 2016
Kindly check the Tutorial video for more details on how to use SuccessFactors LMS system.
ICT Department