We hear so much words (healthy food), it is said, for example: ((to live without knowing healthy eating disease)) .. !
What is healthy food? Food and non-health?
Healthy food is the food which supplies the body Algmaip elements necessary for growth ... And prevention of diseases ...
Provided that the calories we eat *****alent to energy consumed for the growth of our bodies, Vlatzid not decrease it ...
If increased, the surplus turned into fat, accumulate in our bodies, and Ooeitna blood, causing health problems ....
If I should say, the cause of our vulnerability and humor because the body loses a minimum of energy Allazn of his life:
Therefore, the scientists were interested in nutrition, health and healthy food ... And they Ptvsm food into seven major groups ... Be dealt with a limited quota of each group, after determining the number of quotas imposed by calorie and objective of the program adequate food to us ...
These groups are:
1 - Group of bread and cereals.
2 - Group of vegetables.
3 - set fruit.
4 - Collection of milk and dairy products.
5 - Group meat and fish.
6 - Group legumes and nuts.
7 - Group of fats and oils and sugars.
How do we get healthy food?!
For a healthy diet should follow the following steps:
* Limit the intake of foods rich in sodium.
* Eat more whole grains, green leafy vegetables and legumes.
What is healthy eating
* Eating too much authority consisting of fresh vegetables.
* Limit the intake of fatty sauces ready (mayonnaise - mustard - ketchup)
What is healthy eating
* Address the rich sources of iron.
* Eat more foods rich in calcium.
* Limit the intake of sugars and starches.
* Limit the intake of food Alkhallp salted and smoked.
Do liquids is important for our bodies?!
What is healthy eating
Our bodies consist of 70% of the water that the many tasks ...
* To help to digest food and nutrients to be able to dissolve the passage defined intestinal walls to reach the intestine.
* Download the waste outside the body.
* Create a central place in which biological processes in the body.
* Regulation of body temperature.
What is healthy eating
Maintain the shape of the cells and prevent them from shrinking.
Because the rights of Aihtfez water .. But make him lose through urine, feces, sweat, respiration (water vapor) ... it must eat more of it, including at least six cups a day.
Why increase the weight?!
Surprised many of us to increase the weight even though it does not deal with large amounts of food ..
But it may miss us, that eating high-calorie foods between meals helps to increase the weight!
To avoid weight gain, must deal with low-calorie foods rich in fiber and even between meals .. It helps reduce your appetite for the meal following.
And organization of food between meals is necessary to avoid weight gain ... You can choose certain foods, and distributed to the two meals:
The first: between breakfast and lunch, and the second: between lunch and dinner ...
A good example of snacks:
* A cup of low fat milk.
* Grain of fruit.
* Half a cup of fresh juice + vegetables.
* 2 small piece of biscuit without butter.