The new Spaceport America hangar in Upham, New Mexico. Photograph: Mat ترجمة - The new Spaceport America hangar in Upham, New Mexico. Photograph: Mat العربية كيف أقول

The new Spaceport America hangar in

The new Spaceport America hangar in Upham, New Mexico. Photograph: Matt York/AP
Associated Press in Upham
Tuesday 18 October 2011 12.43 BST Last modified on Monday 3 November 2014 12.28 GMT
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With his usual flair, British billionaire Richard Branson rappelled from a balcony, shook up a big bottle of champagne and took a swig while christening the world's first built-from-scratch commercial spaceport on Monday.

Branson's Virgin Galactic will stage its commercial space tourism venture from Spaceport America in a remote patch of desert in southern New Mexico.

Branson was joined by Governor Susana Martinez, the astronaut Buzz Aldrin and scores of would-be space travellers at the terminal-hangar for the dedication. It had been nearly a year since the businessman was in New Mexico to celebrate the completion of the runway.

"The building is absolutely magnificent," he said. "It is literally out of this world, and that's what we were aiming at creating."

With the spaceport and mothership completed, the company is now finalising its rocket tests.

Branson said he hopes enough powered test flights of the spacecraft can be done by the end of 2012, so commercial suborbital flights from the spaceport can start soon after.

More than 450 people have purchased tickets to fly with Virgin Galactic. About 150 of them attended the ceremony, which included a flyover by the Virgin spacecraft WhiteKnightTwo.

The $209m (£133m) taxpayer-financed spaceport will be a launch station for people and payloads on the rocket ships being developed for the company.

With custom metal panelling and massive panes of glass, the terminal rises from the desert floor to face the nearly two-mile concrete runway.


The building will house the spacecraft, mission control and a preparation area for travellers.

It was six years ago that Virgin Galactic and New Mexico officials reached an agreement to build the facility. Officials said the completion of the terminal and hangar marks another major milestone that brings the dream of rocketing tourists into space closer to reality.

Branson had once predicted the maiden passenger flight would take off in 2007. He acknowledged people were still waiting for that day in an interview on Monday. He and his two children will be among the first to fly, and he said he wants to ensure he can bring them home safely.

"We want to be sure we've really tested the craft through and through before turning it over to the astronauts who bought tickets to go up," he said. "If it takes a bit longer, we'll take a little bit longer."

Commercial service will start up after the company gets a license from the Federal Aviation Administration. Nasa has already signed a $4.5m contract with the company for up to three chartered research flights.

Passengers tickets cost $200,000 each. The two and a half-hour flights will include about five minutes of weightlessness and views of Earth that until now only astronauts have been able to experience.

Like development of the spacecraft, construction of the 110,152 square-foot (10,233 square-metre) terminal and hangar facility has been complicated. There were delays, building code problems, contractor disputes and costly change orders.

State officials blamed the unprecedented nature of the project as well as its remote location, the lack of infrastructure and the weather.

New Mexico Spaceport Authority (NWSA) executive director, Christine Anderson, arrived at the facilty a day early to find WhiteKnightTwo and SpaceShipTwo stowed in the hangar.

"This was quite a feat," she said, joking with the crowd that she was glad the spacecraft fit in the cavernous hangar.

The building was designed by UK-based Foster + Partners, along with URS Corp and New Mexico architects SMPC.

Virgin Galactic and officials with the New Mexico Spaceport Authority are touting the design as green. It uses geothermal energy; tubes running through the earthen berm surrounding part of the building help cool the interior; and natural ventilation can be used during mild seasons.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
The new Spaceport America hangar in Upham, New Mexico. Photograph: Matt York/APAssociated Press in UphamTuesday 18 October 2011 12.43 BST Last modified on Monday 3 November 2014 12.28 GMTShare on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+Shares0With his usual flair, British billionaire Richard Branson rappelled from a balcony, shook up a big bottle of champagne and took a swig while christening the world's first built-from-scratch commercial spaceport on Monday.Branson's Virgin Galactic will stage its commercial space tourism venture from Spaceport America in a remote patch of desert in southern New Mexico.Branson was joined by Governor Susana Martinez, the astronaut Buzz Aldrin and scores of would-be space travellers at the terminal-hangar for the dedication. It had been nearly a year since the businessman was in New Mexico to celebrate the completion of the runway."The building is absolutely magnificent," he said. "It is literally out of this world, and that's what we were aiming at creating."With the spaceport and mothership completed, the company is now finalising its rocket tests.Branson said he hopes enough powered test flights of the spacecraft can be done by the end of 2012, so commercial suborbital flights from the spaceport can start soon after.More than 450 people have purchased tickets to fly with Virgin Galactic. About 150 of them attended the ceremony, which included a flyover by the Virgin spacecraft WhiteKnightTwo.The $209m (£133m) taxpayer-financed spaceport will be a launch station for people and payloads on the rocket ships being developed for the company.With custom metal panelling and massive panes of glass, the terminal rises from the desert floor to face the nearly two-mile concrete runway.AdvertisementThe building will house the spacecraft, mission control and a preparation area for travellers.It was six years ago that Virgin Galactic and New Mexico officials reached an agreement to build the facility. Officials said the completion of the terminal and hangar marks another major milestone that brings the dream of rocketing tourists into space closer to reality.Branson had once predicted the maiden passenger flight would take off in 2007. He acknowledged people were still waiting for that day in an interview on Monday. He and his two children will be among the first to fly, and he said he wants to ensure he can bring them home safely."We want to be sure we've really tested the craft through and through before turning it over to the astronauts who bought tickets to go up," he said. "If it takes a bit longer, we'll take a little bit longer."Commercial service will start up after the company gets a license from the Federal Aviation Administration. Nasa has already signed a $4.5m contract with the company for up to three chartered research flights.Passengers tickets cost $200,000 each. The two and a half-hour flights will include about five minutes of weightlessness and views of Earth that until now only astronauts have been able to experience.Like development of the spacecraft, construction of the 110,152 square-foot (10,233 square-metre) terminal and hangar facility has been complicated. There were delays, building code problems, contractor disputes and costly change orders.State officials blamed the unprecedented nature of the project as well as its remote location, the lack of infrastructure and the weather.New Mexico Spaceport Authority (NWSA) executive director, Christine Anderson, arrived at the facilty a day early to find WhiteKnightTwo and SpaceShipTwo stowed in the hangar."This was quite a feat," she said, joking with the crowd that she was glad the spacecraft fit in the cavernous hangar.The building was designed by UK-based Foster + Partners, along with URS Corp and New Mexico architects SMPC.Virgin Galactic and officials with the New Mexico Spaceport Authority are touting the design as green. It uses geothermal energy; tubes running through the earthen berm surrounding part of the building help cool the interior; and natural ventilation can be used during mild seasons.
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حظيرة الميناء الفضائي أمريكا الجديدة في أبهام، نيو مكسيكو. صورة: مات نيويورك / AP
اسوشيتد برس في أبهام
الثلاثاء 18 أكتوبر 2011 12.43 بتوقيت جرينتش آخر تعديل يوم الاثنين 3 نوفمبر 2014 12.28 GMT
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مع موهبته المعتادة، الملياردير البريطاني ريتشارد rappelled برانسون من شرفة، هز زجاجة كبيرة من الشمبانيا وأخذ جرعة كبيرة بينما التعميد بنيت من الصفر أول ميناء فضائي تجاري في العالم يوم الاثنين. برانسون فيرجن غالاكتيك ستنظم مشروعها السياحة الفضائية التجارية من الميناء الفضائي أمريكا في التصحيح عن بعد الصحراء في جنوب نيو مكسيكو. وانضم برانسون محافظ سوزانا مارتينيز، رائد الفضاء باز الدرين وعشرات من شأنه ان يكون رواد الفضاء في محطة-حظيرة للتفاني. لو كان ما يقرب من عام منذ كان رجل الأعمال في نيو مكسيكو للاحتفال الانتهاء من المدرج. "، وبناء الرائعة على الاطلاق"، قال. "ومن حرفيا للخروج من هذا العالم، وهذا ما كنا نهدف إلى خلق". مع ميناء فضائي والأم الانتهاء، فإن الشركة الآن على وضع اللمسات الأخيرة الاختبارات الصاروخية. وقال برانسون يأمل ما يكفي من الرحلات التجريبية تعمل بالطاقة المركبة الفضائية يمكن أن تقوم به في نهاية عام 2012، رحلات شبه مدارية التجارية حتى من ميناء فضائي يمكن أن تبدأ بعد فترة وجيزة. أكثر من 450 شخصا قاموا بشراء تذاكر للطيران مع فيرجن جالاكتيك. نحو 150 منهم حضر الحفل، الذي اشتمل على الجسر من قبل المركبات الفضائية العذراء WhiteKnightTwo. وسوف $ 209m (133m جنيه استرليني) بأموال دافعي الضرائب ميناء فضائي تكون محطة انطلاق للناس والحمولات على متن السفن الصاروخية التي يجري تطويرها لحساب الشركة. والعرف تلبيسة المعدنية وألواح ضخمة من الزجاج، وترتفع محطة من الطابق الصحراء لمواجهة المدرج تقريبا ميل يومين ملموسة. إعلان المبنى سيضم المركبة الفضائية، مراقبة العمليات ومنطقة التحضير للمسافرين. وكان قبل ست سنوات أن فيرجين غالاكتيك والوصول الى مسؤولين نيو مكسيكو اتفاقا لبناء المنشأة. وقال مسؤولون الانتهاء من محطة وحظيرة يمثل معلما رئيسيا آخر أن يجلب حلم بالصواريخ السياح الى الفضاء أقرب إلى الواقع. وكان برانسون توقع مرة واحدة ان طائرة ركاب عذراء تقلع في عام 2007. واعترف كان الناس لا يزالون ينتظرون ذلك اليوم في مقابلة يوم الاثنين. هو وطفليه سوف تكون من بين أول من يطير، وقال انه يريد التأكد من أنه يمكن اعادتهم الى الوطن بسلام. "نحن نريد أن نتأكد من أننا قد اختبرت حقا الحرفية من خلال وعبر قبل تحويله الى رواد الفضاء وقال الذين اشتروا تذاكر لترتفع ". واضاف "اذا يستغرق وقتا أطول قليلا، وسوف نأخذ فترة أطول قليلا." الخدمات التجارية ستبدأ تصل بعد حصلت عليها الشركة على ترخيص من إدارة الطيران الاتحادية. وقعت وكالة ناسا بالفعل عقدا $ 4.5M مع الشركة لمدة تصل إلى ثلاث رحلات البحوث مستأجرة. تكلفة تذاكر الركاب 200000 $ لكل منهما. وسوف تشمل والرحلتين لمدة نصف ساعة تقريبا خمس دقائق من انعدام الوزن وآراء الأرض أنه حتى الآن كان رواد الفضاء فقط قادرا على تجربة. مثل تطوير المركبات الفضائية، وبناء 110152 قدم مربع (10،233 متر مربع) محطة وتعقدت منشأة الحظيرة. كانت هناك تأخيرات ومشاكل قانون البناء، والنزاعات المقاول وأوامر التغيير مكلفة. باللائمة موظفي الدولة الطبيعة غير المسبوقة للمشروع، فضلا عن موقعها البعيد، عدم وجود البنية التحتية والطقس. نيو مكسيكو الميناء الفضائي السلطة (NWSA) المدير التنفيذي، كريستين أندرسون، وصلت إلى بالاستثمارات يوميا في وقت مبكر لإيجاد WhiteKnightTwo وسبيس شيب تو محفوظ في الحظيرة. "كان هذا لا بأس به الفذ"، قالت، يمزح مع الجماهير أنها كانت سعيدة ان المركبة الفضائية في الحظيرة الغائرة. وقد صمم المبنى شركة فوستر + بارتنرز ومقرها المملكة المتحدة، جنبا إلى جنب مع URS كورب ونيو مكسيكو المهندسين المعماريين SMPC. فيرجين غالاكتيك والمسؤولين مع السلطة الميناء الفضائي نيو مكسيكو ويروج التصميم كما الخضراء. ويستخدم الطاقة الحرارية الأرضية. أنابيب يمر عبر الحاجز الترابي الذي يحيط جزء من العون بناء باردة من الداخل. والتهوية الطبيعية يمكن استخدامها خلال مواسم خفيفة.

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