Please let me introduce myself, I am the project Director of MAN for the power plant projects UCIC and ACC7.
As we are both aware, Al Aman Company has pending payments to SAFCO in both projects.
In order to get all these issues closed, we need your immediate assistance:
Can you please list all open issues (short description) and all pending payments in a short overview, separated in projects UCIC (documentation) and ACC7 (=mainly soil investigation / soil report pending).
I am aware, you already gave an overview to this some time ago to Stefan Schilling (project manager), but please give us now the actual status of this and make sure, all figures are correct.
I am searching for a way, to close all issues together fast and I hope, I can count on your support and partnership.
I need your input to this latest by tomorrow morning.
Is this possible, for you to do?
Also please let me know your best price and execution time for soil resistivity test at ACC site.
As you indicated, soil resistivity might also be estimated by you, due to the fact, you know this area and this kind of soil. Please let me know, how precise you would be able, to estimate this, without testing.
Please let me know by the end of today.