1. Identify the key players who will be on a crisis management team, based on their specialties, willingness to serve, and personalities
a. Example (large institution): Senior manager, Board Chair, Rabbi, Facilities Chair, Principal, General Counsel, Information technology leadership, etc.
b. Example (small institution): Rabbi, Board Chair, two or three active and involved board members, maintenance person
2. Identify the person (or people) authorized to bring the team together during a crisis (the “crisis team manager”)
a. You may wish to designate this task to someone other than the most senior manager, as locating and bringing the crisis team together may detract from the senior manager’s efforts to deal with the crisis as it unfolds
b. You may wish to designate this task to someone other than Rabbi: he or she may be obligated to attend to religious duties
3. The crisis team manager should be able to be reached 24/7. Similarly, the crisis manager should be able to reach the members of his or her crisis team
24/7. Of course, this raises issues relating to Shabbat and holidays with work restrictions.