The Ohio State University invites applications from outstanding candidates for a tenure-track position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the area of terahertz sensing, primarily at the Assistant Professor rank. Experience in areas such as THz imaging, spectroscopy, and transceiver components(filters, beamformers, sources) for applications to medical, biological, security, astronomy, or non-destructive evaluation, among others, is desired. Ohio State has recently received a $3M grant to develop a terahertz laboratory that includes desktop vector analyzers (up to 750 GHz), sources, imaging, and time-domain reflectometry equipment from 100 GHz to 3 THz ( Most of the equipment will be in place by early Fall 2011. The new faculty member will therefore have access to an excellent array of equipment housed in a 2000 ft2 space within the new 40,000 ft2 ElectroScience Laboratory. In addition, the faculty member will have access to excellent microfabrication equipment, housed in the Nanotech West facility ( across from the ElectroScience Laboratory. Ohio State is also part of the winning team for a new MURI on devices and architectures for terahertz electronics to begin summer 2011.