النتائج (
العربية) 1:
21100:14:26,362 --> 00:14:28,764You don't think so?21200:14:28,765 --> 00:14:30,967I can't tell.I don't know what the fuck's going on21300:14:30,968 --> 00:14:33,102in the businessanywhere anymore.21400:14:35,438 --> 00:14:37,607Well, anyway,thanks for listening.21500:14:37,608 --> 00:14:41,043I've been in so manyrelationships where nobody listens.21600:14:41,044 --> 00:14:44,446I definitely think relationshipsare about communication, don't you?21700:14:44,447 --> 00:14:46,649God, totally.21800:14:46,650 --> 00:14:50,385Jesus, that's why we-it's completely two-way.21900:14:50,386 --> 00:14:53,823We're constantly exchangingkind of what we think.22000:14:53,824 --> 00:14:56,191I mean, that's howpeople relate.22100:14:56,192 --> 00:14:57,526It's just sofucking ridiculous22200:14:57,527 --> 00:14:59,895the way everybody wantssomething completely one-sided22300:14:59,896 --> 00:15:01,396and wantsomething for nothing.22400:15:01,397 --> 00:15:04,133Sorry, my handsare really cold.22500:15:04,134 --> 00:15:06,836It's okay.I'll warm them up.22600:15:06,837 --> 00:15:10,305Well, my firstthought is I do like it.22700:15:10,306 --> 00:15:12,407I do like it.22800:15:12,408 --> 00:15:15,011It's just that,I'll tell you, right now22900:15:15,012 --> 00:15:19,982It's a tough time for me to startpioneering a new line like this.23000:15:19,983 --> 00:15:22,818The economy right nowis really in the toilet.23100:15:22,819 --> 00:15:25,888And we got a storefull of stuff.23200:15:25,889 --> 00:15:29,091And we do have stuffthat somewhat competes23300:15:29,092 --> 00:15:31,260with this typeof garment right now.23400:15:31,261 --> 00:15:34,063Right.23500:15:34,064 --> 00:15:36,198I'd like to show it real quick23600:15:36,199 --> 00:15:39,702to Marvin, just to getan idea of what he thinks.23700:15:39,703 --> 00:15:42,437I'm thinkingright now, no.23800:15:42,438 --> 00:15:44,907But I'm thinking maybedown the road we can try it.23900:15:44,908 --> 00:15:47,977Marv, uh...24000:15:47,978 --> 00:15:50,079you know,I would definitely-24100:15:50,080 --> 00:15:52,848I'm definitely okaywith it being on consignment24200:15:52,849 --> 00:15:55,384because it gets a chanceto be out on the floor24300:15:55,385 --> 00:15:58,453and see how it does.You guys have a very big store24400:15:58,454 --> 00:16:02,024and I'm sure we could find a littlebit of space to put the stuff out there.24500:16:02,025 --> 00:16:04,359I know it's going to sell. Iknow people are gonna buy it.24600:16:04,360 --> 00:16:06,128This wayI'm okay with that.24700:16:06,129 --> 00:16:08,497If it doesn't sell, then I'lltake it back. That's fine.24800:16:08,498 --> 00:16:11,100But I would like to have it outthere for the Christmas season24900:16:11,101 --> 00:16:13,900Because that's whenpeople are buying things.25000:16:14,400 --> 00:16:17,101On October 25thI met with Dennis.25100:16:17,102 --> 00:16:21,006We had lunch at Nobu andthen went to a hotel room.25200:16:21,007 --> 00:16:24,409During lunch he talkedabout the financial crisis.25300:16:24,410 --> 00:16:26,411When we got backto the room25400:16:26,412 --> 00:16:28,479he immediatelygot on the phone25500:16:28,480 --> 00:16:31,750and orderedsome MaCallan 25.25600:16:31,751 --> 00:16:34,553I put on a Kiki deMontparnasse corset,25700:16:34,554 --> 00:16:36,655panties and gloves.25800:16:36,656 --> 00:16:39,390The shoeswere basic Zara.25900:16:39,391 --> 00:16:41,760After he got off the phonewe made out for a while.26000:16:41,761 --> 00:16:45,597Then he asked meto masturbate, which I did.26100:16:45,598 --> 00:16:48,366Then he masturbatedwatching me.26200:16:48,367 --> 00:16:51,302He made another appointmentfor November 3rd.26300:16:51,303 --> 00:16:53,905I think one elementthat could be improved a lot26400:16:53,906 --> 00:16:55,506is the photography.26500:16:55,507 --> 00:16:57,676You should havemuch better pictures.26600:16:57,677 --> 00:17:00,411I have pictures I can give you.That's not a problem.26700:17:00,412 --> 00:17:02,881Are they reallytop-quality pictures?26800:17:02,882 --> 00:17:04,549They should look like"Playboy" pictures.26900:17:04,550 --> 00:17:05,951Yeah, they'reperfect.27000:17:05,952 --> 00:17:08,219Yeah? Okay.That's important.27100:17:08,220 --> 00:17:12,123And we could improve the logoand general style of the site,27200:17:12,124 --> 00:17:14,292make it lookmuch more high-class.27300:17:14,293 --> 00:17:17,095Okay, I alsowanted to-27400:17:17,096 --> 00:17:18,763I don't know exactlyhow you'd do this,27500:17:18,764 --> 00:17:20,665but I wouldreally like it27600:17:20,666 --> 00:17:23,969if my site would come upin the search engines.27700:17:23,970 --> 00:17:27,772You know, like-27800:17:27,773 --> 00:17:29,741I don't know exactlyhow you do that,27900:17:29,742 --> 00:17:33,277But when you Google"escorts," I come up.28000:17:33,278 --> 00:17:35,614It's a little tricky.It'll take some time.28100:17:35,615 --> 00:17:38,316But one good idea isto get yourself listed28200:17:38,317 --> 00:17:40,318in a lot of directoriesand review sites.28300:17:40,319 --> 00:17:42,754The more links thereare to your site,28400:17:42,755 --> 00:17:45,724the better your rankings inthe search engines are gonna be.28500:17:45,725 --> 00:17:48,326- You can do that?- I can help you with that.28600:17:48,327 --> 00:17:50,662Sure, sure.But that takes monthly work,28700:17:50,663 --> 00:17:53,264if you want to work out amonthly maintenance contract...28800:17:53,265 --> 00:17:54,933How much?28900:17:54,934 --> 00:17:56,701You have to continuallyupdate it every month.29000:17:56,702 --> 00:17:59,904How much would you chargejust to design it?29100:17:59,905 --> 00:18:02,007About 1500 bucks.29200:18:02,008 --> 00:18:04,342And how soon could youget it done?29300:18:04,343 --> 00:18:08,446I could only workafter hours here, so...29400:18:34,447 --> 00:18:36,882Can we sortof start over here?29500:18:36,883 --> 00:18:40,552I am not tryingto tell you29600:18:40,553 --> 00:18:42,554how to runyour business.29700:18:42,555 --> 00:18:44,657I'm trying to help youenhance your business.29800:18:44,658 --> 00:18:47,425And I thinkI can do that.29900:18:47,426 --> 00:18:49,494If I didn't thinkI could do that,30000:18:49,495 --> 00:18:51,630I wouldn't have takenan interest in you.30100:18:51,631 --> 00:18:53,832You seem likea pretty smart girl.30200:18:53,833 --> 00:18:58,070Are you familiar withan escort named Tara?30300:18:58,071 --> 00:18:59,905I'm not.30400:18:59,906 --> 00:19:04,009Okay, well, you mightwant to check out30500:19:04,010 --> 00:19:07,146Some of the stuff that'sbeen posted about this Tara
00:19:07,147 --> 00:19:09,314
On "The Erotic
Connoisseur. "
00:19:09,315 --> 00:19:12,017
I don't usually like
checking out reviews.
00:19:12,018 --> 00:19:15,453
Well, let me tell you
a little story
00:19:15,454 --> 00:19:17,455
about what happened
to Tara.
00:19:17,456 --> 00:19:21,326
Tara is 20 years old,
kind of came in here
00:19:21,327 --> 00:19:24,629
just falling off the turnip
truck, doing her own thing.
00:19:24,630 --> 00:19:27,966
And when I put up
the reviews,
00:19:27,967 --> 00:19:30,435
her rate started going up.
Do you understand?
00:19:30,436 --> 00:19:34,173
This is making you more
upscale than you've ever been.
00:19:34,174 --> 00:19:37,676
You think you know
an idea of upscale,
00:19:37,677 --> 00:19:41,446
but what I'm offering you
is upscale beyond.
00:19:41,447 --> 00:19:44,616
00:19:45,685 --> 00:19:47,485
So anyhow,
00:19:47,486 --> 00:19:50,522
do you have to develop
business skills?
00:19:50,523 --> 00:19:53,158
Who does your books?
00:19:54,828 --> 00:19:57,495
That's something
I'd rather not answer, actually.
00:19:57,496 --> 00:20:01,033
Well, I'm not gonna-
let's just say, do you keep books?
00:20:01,034 --> 00:20:03,602
I do. Let's just say I have
a few people that help me out.
00:20:03,603 --> 00:20:05,604
I'd like to
keep it at that.
00:20:05,605 --> 00:20:07,606
I think you want
to look at this time
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