Chapter 18
1- Define the concept of performance management .
2- Discuss objectives of performance management
3- Explain the process of performance management
4- Elaborate the approaches of performance development.
5- Discuss any two methods of traditional and modern method of performance management .
6- Write short notes on :
(1)checklist method (2) straight ranking method
(3) Critical incident method (4) Group appraisal method
7- MBO" is the modern method for evaluation of worker performance. Explain MBO with its process.
8- what do you understand by 360 performance appraisal system ?
9- write notes on :
(1)BARS (2) Assessment center (3) Human resource accounting
10- …………… of a person's work is termed as performance management
(1)Occasionally (2) Systematic
(3) irregular (4) none of the above
11- ………… is the third step of performance management process.
(1) Give feedback (2) Measuring actual performance
(3) Decision making (4) none of the above
12- ……………..approach focused only on the past performance of the employees during a past specified period of time .
(1)Modern (2) Traditional
13- appraisals have become ongoing and periodic activity in the organization is the ……….. approach .
(1)Modern (2) Traditional
14- Under this individual is compared on the basis of every trait with other individuals in their group.
(1) Checklist method (2)Essay method
(3) Straight ranking method (4) Paired comparison method
15- Under this Method a training officer basically appointed by or even from HR department discusses and interviews the supervisor about how they appraise them respective subordinates .
(1)Critical incident Method (2) Graphical Rating Scale
(3) Field Review (4) Paired Comparison Method
16-BARS stands for :
(1) Base assessment rating scales
(2) Broader appraisal rating scales
(3) Behaviorally anchored random scales
(4) Behaviorally anchored rating scales
17- The concept of Management by Objectives' (MBO) was first given by
(1)Peter Ronald (2) Peter Drucker
(3) S.P. Robbins (4) P.S. Robbins
18- "A process whereby the superior and subordinate managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals, define each individual's major areas of responsibility in term as of result expected of him and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contributions of each its members"
(1)MBO (2) BARS
(3) Human Resource Accounting (4) 360 degree
19- 360 feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback
(1)Feedback only from supervisor (2)Multi-rater feedback
(3) Feedback only from colleagues (4) none of the above
20-360 appraisal has four important elements are ………… superior's appraisal' subordinate's appraisal and peer appraisal
(1) Self appraisal (2) Customer appraisal
(3) Trade union appraisal (4) None of the above