Šabatová (2006:12), games are surely the
most interesting and the most favourite way
of how to learn and practice grammar. As
the games are fun, interactive, and exciting,
students can study English grammar with
games very easily, in a relax atmosphere,
and more interestingly. Thus, games can
help not only in learning and mastering the
very crucial aspect of foreign language
learning-grammar, but also in developing
positive attitudes of learners towards the
whole language learning process. In this
respect, the paper attempts to discuss the
effectiveness of the use of games in grammar
teaching to the students of primary schools
in Sebha, Libya where students often face
problems with grammar learning and regard
it as tedious, uninteresting and demotivating
process of foreign language learning. It is
believed and argued that if the EFL school
teachers in Sebha, Libya use games in their
grammar teaching techniques, it would
certainly help not only in changing the
negative perceptions of the learners towards
grammar but also in imparting more
dynamic, interesting, involving, learner-
cantered, motivational teaching of grammar
in the primary schools of Sebha, Libya.
1.2 Background to the study
English is taught and learned as a
foreign language in Libya. Being an
international language and language of
international communication, opportunities,
education, commerce and trade, the Libyan
government has introduced English from
the primary school level itself so that the
Libyan school children can be the able
citizens of global village and can cope with
its demands and challenges. As a crucial
part of foreign language pedagogy, teaching
grammar forms the central aspect of EFL
teaching in Libya. This is with the belief that
learning and mastering grammar can help an