Chapter 1 The Ash TreeVisitors to Castringham Hall in Suffolk will fin ترجمة - Chapter 1 The Ash TreeVisitors to Castringham Hall in Suffolk will fin العربية كيف أقول

Chapter 1 The Ash TreeVisitors to C

Chapter 1 The Ash Tree
Visitors to Castringham Hall in Suffolk will find it almost unchanged from the days when our story took place. They can still see the beautiful old house with its gardens and lake. However, the one thing missing is the ash-tree, which used so stand, proud and tall, in front of the house, its branches almost touching the walls.
This story begins in 1690 with a strange, lonely old woman. Mrs. Mothersole, who was found guilty of being a witch. Sir. Matthew fell, the owner of Castringham Hall at that time, described how she used to climb into the ash-tree outside his bedroom every time there was a full moon. He said that she usually carried a strange knife to cut off parts of the tree and that she talked to herself. Once he followed her home, but she disappeared and when he knocked the door of her house, she came downstairs in her night clothes looking sleepy. He and the villagers agreed that it was certain she did these things by magic and so she was hanged. Before she died, she fought and shouted, and her last strange words were: "There will be guests at the Hall."
After the hanging, Sir. Matthew felt uncomfortable and guilty, and he told his friend the vicar about his worries. 'You did the right thing, Sir. Mathew,' were the wise words of the vicar. 'I'm sure she was a dangerous woman. ' sir. Matthew felt happier.
That evening, Sir. Matthew and the vicar went for a walk in the garden of Castringham Hall. It was the night of the full ,ooon. As they were returning to the house, Sir. Matthew pointed to the ash-tree in great surprise. "What kind of animal is that running down the ash-tree? It looks very strange."
The vicar only saw the moving animal for a moment, but he thought that it had more than four legs. He shook his head. 'I must be tired.' He thought to himself. 'After all, what animal has more than four legs?' he said nothing to Sir. Matthew, but just wished him good night.
The next morning, Sir Mathew's servants were surprised not to find him downstairs at his usual time of six o'clock. When seven o'clock and then eight o'clock passed, they began to suspect that something was terribly wrong and they went up to his bedroom. The door was locked. After knocking several times and still getting no answer from inside, they broke down the door and entered, to find that their fears were right. Sir Mathew's body lay on the bed, dead and completely black. There were no wounds or other marks on him and everything in the room looked as usual, except that the window was wide open. His servants at first suspected poison but the doctor who was called found no such a thing and could offer no real explanation for Si. Matthew's death.
When he heard the news, the vicar rushed to Castringham Hall, and while he was waiting to hear the doctor's opinion, he looked at Sir Mathew's Bible, which was lying on a table by the dead man's bedside. He opened the book and the first words he read were from the book of Luke, chapter8: "Cut it down" were the words he read.
The servants locked Sir Mathew's room that day and it stayed locked up for the next forty years. By that time, Sir Richard Fell, Sir Mathew's grandson, was living at Castringham Hall. He enjoyed spending money, especially on rebuilding parts of the Hall. He also decided to make the local church
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
الفصل 1 شجرة الرمادالزائرين لقاعة كاسترينغام في سوفولك ستجد أنها لم تتغير تقريبا من أيام عندما وقعت قصتنا. يمكن أن نرى ما زال البيت القديم جميلة مع حدائق وبحيرة. ومع ذلك، واحد الشيء المفقود هو شجرة الرماد، التي تستخدم ذلك الموقف، طويل القامة، وتفخر أمام المنزل، فروعها تقريبا لمس الجدران. تبدأ هذه القصة في 1690 مع امرأة قديمة غريبة، وحيدا. السيدة موثيرسولي، الذين تمت إدانتهم بكونها ساحرة. يا سيدي. ووصف Matthew سقطت، مالك قاعة كاسترينغام في ذلك الوقت، كيف أنها تستخدم في الصعود إلى الرماد-الشجرة خارج غرفته في كل مرة كان هناك القمر الكامل. وقال أنها تنفذ عادة غريبة سكين قطع أجزاء من الشجرة، وقالت أنها تحدثت إلى نفسها. مرة تابع لها المنزل، لكنها قالت أنها اختفت وعندما كان يطرق باب منزلها، وقالت أنها جاءت من الطابق السفلي في ملابسها ليلة تبحث النعاس. أنه والقرويين اتفق على أنه بعض مما فعلته هذه الأمور عن طريق السحر، وحتى أنها قد شنق. قبل توفيت وقالت أنها حاربت وصاح، وكانت كلماتها غريبة الأخير: "سوف يكون هناك ضيوف في القاعة." وبعد شنقاً، سيدي الرئيس. Matthew رأي غير مريح وإدانته، وقال صديق له النائب عن مخاوفه. ' كنت فعلت الشيء الصحيح، سيدي الرئيس. Mathew، ' كانت الكلمات الحكيمة للنائب الأسقفي. ' أنا متأكد من أنها كانت امرأة خطرة. ' يا سيدي. ورأى Matthew أكثر سعادة. هذا المساء، يا سيدي. Matthew والنائب الأسقفي ذهب لنزهة في قاعة حديقة كاسترينغام. كان ليلة عوون كاملة،. كما أنهم كانوا عائدين إلى المنزل، سيدي الرئيس. وأشار Matthew إلى الرماد-الشجرة في مفاجأة كبيرة. "أي نوع من الحيوانات هو أن يهرول الرماد-الشجرة؟ يبدو غريبا جداً ". النائب الأسقفي فقط رأيت الحيوان يتحرك للحظة، ولكن قال أنه يعتقد أن لديها أكثر من أربعة أرجل. أنه هز رأسه. 'يجب أن يكون أنا متعب.' ويعتقد أنه بنفسه. 'بعد كل شيء، ما هو حيوان له أكثر من أربعة أرجل؟' فقال لا شيء يا سيدي. Matthew، ولكن مجرد تمنى له ليلة طيبة. في صباح اليوم التالي، فوجئ خدم سيدي Mathew لا أن تجد له الطابق السفلي في وقته المعتادة من 06:00 ص. عند تمرير 07:00 ص ومن ثم 08:00 ص، أنها بدأت للاشتباه في أن شيئا ما كان خطأ فادحا، وأنهم قد ارتفع ليصل إلى غرفته. أن الباب كان موصدا. بعد يطرق عدة مرات ولا يزال الحصول على لا جواب من الداخل، انهارت الباب، ودخلت، تجد أن مخاوفهم كانوا على حق. الجسم سيدي Mathew تكمن في السرير، ميتة وسوداء تماما. هناك لا جروح أو علامات أخرى على كل شيء في الغرفة بحثت كالمعتاد، فيما عدا أن الإطار كان واسعاً فتح. خدامه في أول السم المشتبه فيها ولكن الطبيب الذي كان يسمى في العثور على لا شيء من هذا القبيل، ويمكن أن توفر أي تفسير حقيقي للاشتراكية الدولية. الموت Matthew. عندما يسمع الأخبار، النائب الأسقفي هرع إلى قاعة كاسترينغام، وبينما كان ينتظر لسماع رأي الطبيب، وقال أنه يتطلع في الكتاب المقدس سيدي Mathew، التي كانت ملقاة على طاولة جانب السرير القتيل. وفتح الكتاب، وكانت الكلمات الأولى أنه يقرأ من كتاب لوقا، chapter8: "اقطعها" كانت عبارة أنه يقرأ.تأمين الخدم الغرفة سيدي Mathew التي تخوض اليوم وأنه بقي للسنوات الأربعين المقبلة. وبحلول ذلك الوقت، كان يعيش السير ريتشارد سقطت، حفيد سيدي Mathew، في قاعة كاسترينغام. كان يتمتع بها أنفاق الأموال، لا سيما في إعادة بناء أجزاء من القاعة. وقرر أيضا جعل الكنيسة المحلية
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
Chapter 1 The Ash Tree
Visitors to Castringham Hall in Suffolk will find it almost unchanged from the days when our story took place. They can still see the beautiful old house with its gardens and lake. However, the one thing missing is the ash-tree, which used so stand, proud and tall, in front of the house, its branches almost touching the walls.
This story begins in 1690 with a strange, lonely old woman. Mrs. Mothersole, who was found guilty of being a witch. Sir. Matthew fell, the owner of Castringham Hall at that time, described how she used to climb into the ash-tree outside his bedroom every time there was a full moon. He said that she usually carried a strange knife to cut off parts of the tree and that she talked to herself. Once he followed her home, but she disappeared and when he knocked the door of her house, she came downstairs in her night clothes looking sleepy. He and the villagers agreed that it was certain she did these things by magic and so she was hanged. Before she died, she fought and shouted, and her last strange words were: "There will be guests at the Hall."
After the hanging, Sir. Matthew felt uncomfortable and guilty, and he told his friend the vicar about his worries. 'You did the right thing, Sir. Mathew,' were the wise words of the vicar. 'I'm sure she was a dangerous woman. ' sir. Matthew felt happier.
That evening, Sir. Matthew and the vicar went for a walk in the garden of Castringham Hall. It was the night of the full ,ooon. As they were returning to the house, Sir. Matthew pointed to the ash-tree in great surprise. "What kind of animal is that running down the ash-tree? It looks very strange."
The vicar only saw the moving animal for a moment, but he thought that it had more than four legs. He shook his head. 'I must be tired.' He thought to himself. 'After all, what animal has more than four legs?' he said nothing to Sir. Matthew, but just wished him good night.
The next morning, Sir Mathew's servants were surprised not to find him downstairs at his usual time of six o'clock. When seven o'clock and then eight o'clock passed, they began to suspect that something was terribly wrong and they went up to his bedroom. The door was locked. After knocking several times and still getting no answer from inside, they broke down the door and entered, to find that their fears were right. Sir Mathew's body lay on the bed, dead and completely black. There were no wounds or other marks on him and everything in the room looked as usual, except that the window was wide open. His servants at first suspected poison but the doctor who was called found no such a thing and could offer no real explanation for Si. Matthew's death.
When he heard the news, the vicar rushed to Castringham Hall, and while he was waiting to hear the doctor's opinion, he looked at Sir Mathew's Bible, which was lying on a table by the dead man's bedside. He opened the book and the first words he read were from the book of Luke, chapter8: "Cut it down" were the words he read.
The servants locked Sir Mathew's room that day and it stayed locked up for the next forty years. By that time, Sir Richard Fell, Sir Mathew's grandson, was living at Castringham Hall. He enjoyed spending money, especially on rebuilding parts of the Hall. He also decided to make the local church
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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