The National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) investigates, conserves and divulgates the national archaeological, anthropological, historical and paleontological heritage, to strengthen the identity and memory of the society that holds it.
INAH is an institution with plenty regulating and ruling faculties in regards to protection and conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, at the forefront thanks to the level of excellence of research in anthropology, archaeology, history, restoration, museology and paleontology, as well as in professional training within the sphere of its competence.
Its activities have great social impact since the Institute cooperates with the different levels of government and society in the decision making processes of developmental plans and programs, for the design and execution of strategies for conservation and knowledge of the national heritage and memory. INAH performs within this frame of social joint responsibility because it counts on with infrastructure and resources according to its functions as well as with enough highly-qualified personnel with sense of duty to attend the public requirements in an opportune and efficient way.
INAH Press Releases
As part of its divulgation mission, the INAH publishes information on its website regarding the knowledge areas of its competence.
Anthropology, History, Archaeology, Paleontology, Ethnography and Conservation, among other disciplines’ advances, are being divulgated through this Press and Public Relations Direction channel.
The work of hundreds of researchers is made accessible to the interested public as soon as they present their results to the press. In this way, the Mexican institute collaborates to enlarge the cultural knowledge of the world.
INAH Articles
INAH through its Press and Public Relations Direction, generates information regarding Mexican cultural heritage and makes it available through its website.
English articles represent the effort of Mexican institutions to reach bigger audiences through Internet channels, looking forward to have a stronger presence in the worldwide cultural panorama.
INAH Museums
As part of the (INAH conservation, research and divulgation mission, information for more than 100 museums in Mexico is available through its website.
Five national museums (Anthropology, History, Cultures, Viceroyalty and Interventions), as well as regional and site museums, community centers, a photo library and an ethno botanical garden, among others, help interested public to get closer to Mexican cultural heritage.
General information related to INAH museums is on-line, such as the history of its precinct and collection, opening hours, admission fares, address and telephone.