in the oldest inscriptions the death of a man may be started by saying that "he goes to his ka" when Osiris dies he "goes to his Ka "hence the dead are referred to as those "who have gone to their kas "moreover , the Ka was really separated from its protege by more than the mere distance to the cemetery , for in one passage the deceased "goes to his ka,to the sky"similarly the sojourn in the hereafter is described as an association with the ka, and one of the powers of the blessed dead was to have dominion over the other kas there.
in their relations with each other the ka was distinctly superior to his mundane companion . in the oldest texts the sign for the ka , the uplifted arms , are frequently borne upon the standard which bears the signs for the gods."call upon the ka,like Osiris , that he may protect they from all anger of the dead "says one to the deceased ;and to be the ka of a person is to have entire control over him. thus in addressing Osiris it is said of set "he(Horus) has smitten set for they , bound;thou art his (set's )ka." in the hereafter, at least, a person is under the dominion of his own ka. the ka assists the deceased by speaking to the great god on his behalf , and after this intercession, by introducing the dead man to the god(Re).
he forages for the deceased and brings him food that they both may eat together, and lik two guests they sit together at the same table . but the ka is ever the protecting genius . the dead king pepi"lives with his ka;he (the ka)expels the evil that is before pepi ,ha removes the evil that is behind pepi. like the boomerangs of the lord of Letopolis, which remove the evil that is before him and expel the evil that is behind him".
notwithstanding their intimate association, there was danger that the ka might fail to recognize his protege, and the departed therefore received a garment peculiar to him, by means of which the ka may not mistake him for an enemy whom he might strong was the ka, and so close was his union with his protege , that to have control over a god or a man it was necessary to gain the power over his ka also , and coplete justification of the deceased was only certain when his ka also was justified.
النتائج (
العربية) 3:
فى اقدم النقوش وفاة رجل قد بدات بالقول ان "يذهب الى كا" عند وفاة أوزيريس "يذهب إلى كا "ومن ثم تحال الى الميت " الذين ذهبوا الى كاس "وعلاوة على ذلك , كا فعلا فصل بايعاز من مسافة اكثر من مجرد مقبرة فى احد ممرات الفقيد "يذهب إلى كاالى السماء كما والمكوث فى الاخرة يوصف اقتران كا واحد من صلاحيات المباركة كان الميت ونزعة التسلط على الاخر كاس"
فى علاقاتهم مع بعضهم البعض كا كان ممتاز ومتميز الرفيق الى الامور الدنيوية, اقدم النصوص التوقيع كا , العالى الاسلحة ,كثيرا ما يوضع على مستوى التي تحمل علامات gods. "ندعو كا مثل أوزيريس , انه قد حماية لهم من كل غضب القتلى "يقول احد المتوفين ;وان كا الشخص هو الرقابة الكاملة عليه. وهكذا فى معالجة أوزيريس ويقال ان مجموعة "هو (حورس) قد يفتن مجموعة لانها , ملزمة;عليهم بمصيطر (المجموعة (كا". فى الاخرة, على الاقل,شخص ما تحت التسلط من كا - كا تساعد المتوفى من التكلم مع والله العظيم نيابة عنه , وبعد هذه الشفاعة, بادخال القتيل الى الله (إعادة) .
انه والتغليف والأعلاف للموتى يجلب له الطعام انهما قد تناول الطعام معا, حنث ضيفين يجلسون على نفس الطاولة ولكن كا دائما لحماية عبقرية .القتلى الملك بيبى"يعيش مع كا; (كا)تطرد الشر المعروض بيبى ,ها يزيل الشر التى تقف وراء بيبى - على غرار والتهشيم والقذف رب letopolis التى تزيل الشر المعروض منه وطرد الشر هو وراءه" .
بصرف النظر عن الارتباط الوثيق, هناك خطر ان كا قد نسلم تلميذهو لذلك فقد كان يتلقى الراحل ملابس غريبة له, التى كا قد لا يخطئ عدوا كمل ليقتله.لذلك كان كا قوية وهو قريب جدا من الاتحاد مع تلميذه , ان السيطرة على الله او رجل كان من الضرورى الحصول على سلطته على كا ايضا , coplete مبرر المتوفين فقط بعض عندما كا ايضا له ما يبرره.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..