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[٢٠/‏٨ ١٢:١٤ ص] ‪+90 545 281 8831‬: When you will come
[٢٠/‏٨ ١٢:١٧ ص] ‪+90 545 281 8831‬: Is tomorrow convenient
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
[٢٠/‏٨ ١٢:١٤ ص] ‪+90 545 281 8831‬: When you will come[٢٠/‏٨ ١٢:١٧ ص] ‪+90 545 281 8831‬: Is tomorrow convenient
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
[20/8 00:14 ص] +90 545 281 8831: عندما سيأتي
[20/8 00:17 ص] +90 545 281 8831: هل غدا مريحة
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النتائج (العربية) 3:[نسخ]
Global warming (Global Warming) (whyworldhot.com).Due to the increase of gas that covered the earth"s atmosphere. The temperature inside the world rise. The season around the world changed. And the gas is mainly caused by burning fossil fuels increasedGlobal warming climate change (Climate Change) is a big problem of the modern world. Notice from the temperature of the higher. The main cause of the greenhouse gases.The greenhouse effect is important in the world, because the gas of carbon dioxide or methane, will retain some heat in the world. To reflect back into the atmosphere, otherwise the world would become the moon, that ตอนกลางคืนหนาว organized in hot, because do not have a filter, the energy from the sun. This type is similar to the principle of the greenhouse, is often called the greenhouse effect (Greenhouse Effect).The increase of greenhouse gases. Result in the atmosphere has the ability to retain heat.Global warming is caused by what?Greenhouse gases (Greenhouse Gas) is a gas capable of absorbing wave, radiation or radiation อินฟา red as well. These gases are needed to maintain the temperature of the earth"s atmosphere to be constant. If the earth"s atmosphere no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As the other planets in the solar system. Then can reduce temperature in daytime is hot. And in the night is cold Because these gases absorb wave radiation in daytime, and slowly radiate the ร้อนอ come out at night. The temperature in the earth"s atmosphere changed suddenly.There are a lot of gas adsorption wave features in flash. And was arranged in the greenhouse gases. Which are both natural gas and caused by human activities. Greenhouse gases was steam carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, nitrous oxide and สารซีเอฟซี, etc., but the greenhouse gases that are controlled by the Kyoto protocol. There is only 6 type. It should be caused by human activities (gas anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission) only, namely, huh?
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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