Thank you for the confirmation regarding soil investigation below. It was very helpful to get a common understanding of the price.
With that, we were able to complete the comparison of soil investigation.
I was reviewing your tender submission for the topographical survey & have noted the following aspects:
1) Overall price is totaling to SAR 72,600.00. I am hoping that there might be some information that we are reading wrongly in your tender & thereby arriving at this price. Similar to our earlier finding, we are unable to fathom how the price of topography survey can be almost 70% of the cost of soil investigation. In our earlier projects, we have seen a split where the topography survey contributes to significantly lower number (around ~30%).
Request you to check & let me know if this is intentional or if we are comparing it wrongly.
As usual, please note that this is not a negotiation and we will submit your price (with the correct understanding to the Client after this confirmation).
2) In your price proposal, you have expressly excluded the Item 5.1.6.
We currently believe that you had excluded this important chapter due to the timelines allotted to you for sending the proposal.
Now, since we are evaluating currently, we wish that you re-consider this chapter.