QC1. The qualitative characteristics of useful financial information
discussed in this chapter identify the types of information that are likely to be
most useful to the existing and potential investors, lenders, and other creditors
for making decisions about the reporting entity on the basis of information in its
financial report (financial information).
QC2. Financial reports provide information about the reporting entity’s
economic resources, claims against the reporting entity, and the effects of
transactions and other events and conditions that change those resources and
claims. (This information is referred to in the Conceptual Framework as
information about the economic phenomena.) Some financial reports also include
explanatory material about management’s expectations and strategies for the
reporting entity and other types of forward-looking information.
QC3. The qualitative characteristics of useful financial information5
Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Financial Information
apply to
financial information provided in financial statements, as well as to financial
information provided in other ways. Cost, which is a pervasive constraint on the
reporting entity’s ability to provide useful financial information, applies similarly.
However, the considerations in applying the qualitative characteristics and the
cost constraint may be different for different types of information. For example,
applying them to forward-looking information may be different from applying them
to information about existing economic resources and claims and to changes in
those resources and claims.
QC4. If financial information is to be useful, it must be relevant and faithfully
represent what it purports to represent. The usefulness of financial information is
enhanced if it is comparable, verifiable, timely, and understandable.
Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics
QC5. The fundamental qualitative characteristics are relevance and faithful
Throughout this Conceptual Framework, the terms qualitative characteristics and
constraint refer to the qualitative characteristics of, and the constraint on, useful financial
QC6. Relevant financial information is capable of making a difference in the
decisions made by users. Information may be capable of making a difference in a
decision even if some users choose not to take advantage of it or already are
aware of it from other sources.
QC7. Financial information is capable of making a difference in decisions if
it has predictive value, confirmatory value, or both.
QC8. Financial information has predictive value if it can be used as an input
to processes employed by users to predict future outcomes. Financial information
need not be a prediction or forecast to have predictive value. Financial
information with predictive value is employed by users in making their own
QC9. Financial information has confirmatory value if it provides feedback
(confirms or changes) about previous evaluations.
QC10. The predictive value and confirmatory value of financial information
are interrelated. Information that has predictive value often also has confirmatory
value. For example, revenue information for the current year, which can be used
as the basis for predicting revenues in future years, also can be compared with
revenue predictions for the current year that were made in past years. The
results of those comparisons can help a user to correct and improve the
processes that were used to make those previous predictions.
QC11. Information is material if omitting it or misstating it could influence
decisions that users make on the basis of the financial information of a specific
reporting entity. In other words, materiality is an entity-specific aspect of
relevance based on the nature or magnitude or both of the items to which the
information relates in the context of an individual entity’s financial report.
Consequently, the Board cannot specify a uniform quantitative threshold for
materiality or predetermine what could be material in a particular situation.
Faithful Representation
QC12. Financial reports represent economic phenomena in words and
numbers. To be useful, financial information not only must represent relevant
phenomena, but it also must faithfully represent the phenomena that it purports
to represent. To be a perfectly faithful representation, a depiction would have
three characteristics. It would be complete, neutral, and free from error. Of
course, perfection is seldom, if ever, achievable. The Board’s objective is to
maximize those qualities to the extent possible.
QC13. A complete depiction includes all information necessary for a user to
understand the phenomenon being depicted, including all necessary descriptions
and explanations. For example, a complete depiction of a group of assets would
include, at a minimum, a description of the nature of the assets in the group, a
numerical depiction of all of the assets in the group, and a description of what the
numerical depiction represents (for example, original cost, adjusted cost, or fair
value). For some items, a complete depiction also may entail explanations of
significant facts about the quality and nature of the items, factors and
circumstances that might affect their quality and nature, and the process used to
determine the numerical depiction.
QC14. A neutral depiction is without bias in the selection or presentation of
financial information. A neutral depiction is not slanted, weighted, emphasized,
deemphasized, or otherwise manipulated to increase the probability that financial
information will be received favorably or unfavorably by users. Neutral
information does not mean information with no purpose or no influence on
behavior. On the contrary, relevant financial information is, by definition, capable
of making a difference in users’ decisions.
QC15. Faithful representation does not mean accurate in all respects. Free
from error means there are no errors or omissions in the description of the
phenomenon, and the process used to produce the reported information has
been selected and applied with no errors in the process. In this context, free from
error does not mean perfectly accurate in all respects. For example, an estimate
of an unobservable price or value cannot be determined to be accurate or
inaccurate. However, a representation of that estimate can be faithful if the
amount is described clearly and accurately as being an estimate, the nature and
limitations of the estimating process are explained, and no errors have been
made in selecting and applying an appropriate process for developing the
QC16. A faithful representation, by itself, does not necessarily result in useful
information. For example, a reporting entity may receive property, plant, and
equipment through a government grant. Obviously, reporting that an entity
acquired an asset at no cost would faithfully represent its cost, but that
information probably would not be very useful. A slightly more subtle example is
an estimate of the amount by which an asset’s carrying amount should be
adjusted to reflect an impairment in the asset’s value. That estimate can be a
faithful representation if the reporting entity has applied properly an appropriate
process, described properly the estimate, and explained any uncertainties that
significantly affect the estimate. However, if the level of uncertainty in such an
estimate is sufficiently large, that estimate will not be particularly useful. In other
words, the relevance of the asset being faithfully represented is questionable. If
there is no alternative representation that is more faithful, that estimate may
provide the best available information.
Applying the Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics
QC17. Information must be both relevant and faithfully represented if it is to
be useful. Neither a faithful representation of an irrelevant phenomenon, nor an
unfaithful representation of a relevant phenomenon, helps users make good
QC18. The most efficient and effective process for applying the fundamental
qualitative characteristics usually would be as follows (subject to the effects of
enhancing characteristics and the cost constraint, which are not considered in
this example). First, identify an economic phenomenon that has the potential to
be useful to users of the reporting entity’s financial information. Second, identify
the type of information about that phenomenon that would be most relevant if it is
available and can be faithfully represented. Third, determine whether that
information is available and can be faithfully represented. If so, the process of
satisfying the fundamental qualitative characteristics ends at that point. If not, the
process is repeated with the next most relevant type of information.
Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics
QC19. Comparability, verifiability, timeliness, and understandability are
qualitative characteristics that enhance the usefulness of information that is
relevant and faithfully represented. The enhancing qualitative characteristics also
may help determine which of two ways should be used to depict a phenomenon if
both are considered equally relevant and faithfully represented.
QC20. Users’ decisions involve choosing between alternatives, for example,
selling or holding an investment, or investing in one reporting entity or another.
Consequently, information about a reporting entity is more useful if it can be
compared with similar information about other entities and with similar
information about the same entity for another period or another date.
QC21. Comparability is the qualitative characteristic that enables users to
identify and understand similarities in, and differences among, items. Unlike th
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
الفصل 2: [محفوظة للفصل فيالجهة المبلغة]16الفصل 3: الخصائص النوعيةمعلومات مالية مفيدةمقدمةQC1. الخصائص النوعية للمعلومات المالية مفيدةوناقش في هذا الفصل تحديد أنواع المعلومات التي من المحتمل أن تكونالأكثر فائدة للمستثمرين الحاليين والمحتملين والمقرضين والدائنين الآخرينلاتخاذ قرارات حول الجهة المبلغة استناداً إلى المعلومات في ماالمالية التقرير (المعلومات المالية).QC2. تقديم التقارير المالية معلومات عن الجهة المبلغةالموارد الاقتصادية، والمطالبات ضد الجهة المبلغة، وآثارالمعاملات والأحداث والظروف التي تتغير تلك الموارد الأخرى والمطالبات. (هذه المعلومات هي المشار إليها في "الإطار المفاهيمي" كمامعلومات حول الظواهر الاقتصادية). وتشمل أيضا بعض التقارير الماليةمواد تفسيرية حول التوقعات واستراتيجيات للإدارةالإبلاغ عن الكيان وأنواع أخرى من المعلومات تطلعية.QC3. الخصائص النوعية لفائدة information5 الماليةالخصائص النوعية للمعلومات المالية مفيدةتطبيق علىالمعلومات المالية المقدمة في البيانات المالية، وكذلك للماليةالمعلومات المقدمة بطرق أخرى. التكلفة، والذي هو قيد شائع فيالإبلاغ عن قدرة الكيان على توفير معلومات مالية مفيدة، ينطبق على نحو مماثل.ومع ذلك، الاعتبارات في تطبيق الخصائص النوعيةقد يكون قيد تكلفة مختلفة لأنواع مختلفة من المعلومات. على سبيل المثال،تطبيقها على معلومات مستقبلية قد يكون مختلفاً عن تطبيقهالمعلومات حول الموارد الاقتصادية المتاحة والمطالبات والتغييرات فيتلك الموارد والمطالبات.QC4. إذا كانت معلومات مالية مفيدة، يجب أن تكون ذات صلة وإخلاصوتمثل ما كان يرمي إلى تمثيل. فائدة المعلومات الماليةتعزيز إذا كانت قابلة للمقارنة ويمكن التحقق منها، في الوقت المناسب، ومفهومة.الخصائص النوعية الأساسيةQC5. الخصائص النوعية الأساسية هي صلة والمؤمنينالتمثيل. 5في جميع أنحاء هذا "الإطار المفاهيمي"، الخصائص النوعية شروط والقيد تشير إلى خصائص نوعية، والقيد على فائدة ماليةالمعلومات.17أهميةQC6. قادر على أحداث تغيير في المعلومات المالية ذات الصلةالقرارات التي يتخذها المستخدمون. معلومات قد تكون قادرة على أحداث فارق فيقرار حتى لو كان اختيار بعض المستخدمين عدم الاستفادة منه أو بالفعلعلم من مصادر أخرى.QC7. المعلومات المالية غير قادرة على أحداث فارق في اتخاذ القرارات إذافقد القيمة التنبؤية، قيمة توكيدي، أو كليهما.QC8. المعلومات المالية بالقيمة التنبؤية إذا يمكن استخدامه كمدخلللعمليات التي يستخدمها المستخدمون للتنبؤ بالنتائج المستقبلية. المعلومات الماليةحاجة لا يمكن تنبؤ أو توقع أن يكون القيمة التنبؤية. الماليةوتستخدم المعلومات مع القيمة التنبؤية المستخدمين في جعل الخاصة بهمالتوقعات.QC9. المعلومات المالية بقيمة توكيدي إذا أنها توفر التغذية المرتدة(يؤكد أو يتغير) حول التقييمات السابقة.QC10. القيمة التنبؤية وقيمة المؤكدة للمعلومات الماليةمترابطة. معلومات يحتوي على القيمة التنبؤية وغالباً أيضا قد توكيديالقيمة. على سبيل المثال، المعلومات الإيرادات للسنة الحالية، التي يمكن استخدامهاكأساس للتنبؤ بالإيرادات في المستقبل سنة، كما يمكن مقارنة معتوقعات الإيرادات للعام الحالي التي قدمت في السنوات الماضية. علىيمكن أن تساعد نتائج هذه المقارنات مستخدم لتصحيح وتحسينالعمليات التي تم استخدامها لجعل تلك التنبؤات السابقة.الأهمية النسبيةQC11. المعلومات هي المواد إذا كان إغفال ذلك أو فيه فإنه يمكن أن تؤثرقرارات تجعل المستخدمين استناداً إلى معلومات مالية محددةالإبلاغ عن الكيان. وبعبارة أخرى، الأهمية النسبية جانب من جوانب خاصة بالكيانأهمية استناداً إلى الطبيعة أو حجم أو كل من العناصر التيوتتعلق المعلومات في سياق التقرير المالي لكيان الفرد.ونتيجة لذلك، لا يمكن تحديد المجلس عتبة كمية موحدةالأهمية النسبية أو تحدد مسبقاً ما يمكن أن تكون المواد في حالة بعينها.التمثيل الصادقQC12. التقارير المالية وتمثل الظواهر الاقتصادية في الكلمات وأرقام. أن تكون مفيدة، المعلومات المالية لا يجب أن لا تمثل سوى ذات الصلةالظواهر، ولكن يجب أن تمثل أيضا إخلاص الظواهر التي تزعم أنهالتمثيل. وسيكون ليكون تمثيل المؤمنين تماما، تصويرالخصائص الثلاث. أنها ستكون كاملة ومحايدة وخالية من الخطأ. منبالطبع، نادراً ما، إذا كان من أي وقت مضى، الكمال قابلة للتحقيق. ويهدف المجلس إلىتعظيم تلك الصفات إلى أقصى حد ممكن.18QC13. تصوير كامل يتضمن جميع المعلومات اللازمة للمستخدمفهم هذه الظاهرة التي صورت، بما في ذلك جميع الأوصاف اللازمةوتفسيرات. على سبيل المثال، أن تصوير كامل لمجموعة من الأصولتشمل، كحد أدنى، وصف لطبيعة الأصول الموجودة في المجموعةتصوير رقمية لجميع الأصول الموجودة في المجموعة، ووصفاً لماتصوير رقمية تمثل (على سبيل المثال، والتكلفة الأصلية، والتكلفة المعدلة، أو معرضالقيمة). لبعض العناصر، تصوير كاملة قد تستتبع أيضا تفسيرات منحقائق هامة حول نوعية وطبيعة الأصناف والعوامل والظروف التي قد تؤثر على نوعيتها وطبيعتها، والعملية المستخدمة فيتحديد تصوير رقمية.QC14. تصوير محايدة دون تحيز في التحديد أو عرضالمعلومات المالية. تصوير محايدة هو لا يميل، مرجحة، وأكد،deemphasized، أو خلاف ذلك التلاعب بها لزيادة احتمال أن الماليةسيتم تلقي المعلومات إيجابيا أو ظالم من قبل المستخدمين. محايدةinformation does not mean information with no purpose or no influence onbehavior. On the contrary, relevant financial information is, by definition, capableof making a difference in users’ decisions.QC15. Faithful representation does not mean accurate in all respects. Freefrom error means there are no errors or omissions in the description of thephenomenon, and the process used to produce the reported information hasbeen selected and applied with no errors in the process. In this context, free fromerror does not mean perfectly accurate in all respects. For example, an estimateof an unobservable price or value cannot be determined to be accurate orinaccurate. However, a representation of that estimate can be faithful if theamount is described clearly and accurately as being an estimate, the nature andlimitations of the estimating process are explained, and no errors have beenmade in selecting and applying an appropriate process for developing theestimate.QC16. A faithful representation, by itself, does not necessarily result in usefulinformation. For example, a reporting entity may receive property, plant, andequipment through a government grant. Obviously, reporting that an entityacquired an asset at no cost would faithfully represent its cost, but thatinformation probably would not be very useful. A slightly more subtle example isan estimate of the amount by which an asset’s carrying amount should beadjusted to reflect an impairment in the asset’s value. That estimate can be afaithful representation if the reporting entity has applied properly an appropriateprocess, described properly the estimate, and explained any uncertainties thatsignificantly affect the estimate. However, if the level of uncertainty in such anestimate is sufficiently large, that estimate will not be particularly useful. In otherwords, the relevance of the asset being faithfully represented is questionable. Ifthere is no alternative representation that is more faithful, that estimate mayprovide the best available information.19Applying the Fundamental Qualitative CharacteristicsQC17. Information must be both relevant and faithfully represented if it is tobe useful. Neither a faithful representation of an irrelevant phenomenon, nor anunfaithful representation of a relevant phenomenon, helps users make gooddecisions.QC18. The most efficient and effective process for applying the fundamentalqualitative characteristics usually would be as follows (subject to the effects ofenhancing characteristics and the cost constraint, which are not considered inthis example). First, identify an economic phenomenon that has the potential tobe useful to users of the reporting entity’s financial information. Second, identifythe type of information about that phenomenon that would be most relevant if it isavailable and can be faithfully represented. Third, determine whether thatinformation is available and can be faithfully represented. If so, the process ofsatisfying the fundamental qualitative characteristics ends at that point. If not, theprocess is repeated with the next most relevant type of information.Enhancing Qualitative CharacteristicsQC19. Comparability, verifiability, timeliness, and understandability arequalitative characteristics that enhance the usefulness of information that isrelevant and faithfully represented. The enhancing qualitative characteristics alsomay help determine which of two ways should be used to depict a phenomenon ifboth are considered equally relevant and faithfully represented.ComparabilityQC20. Users’ decisions involve choosing between alternatives, for example,selling or holding an investment, or investing in one reporting entity or another.Consequently, information about a reporting entity is more useful if it can becompared with similar information about other entities and with similarinformation about the same entity for another period or another date.QC21. Comparability is the qualitative characteristic that enables users toidentify and understand similarities in, and differences among, items. Unlike th
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