Hi there,
We just received a password reset request for this email address. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear there are any Goodreads accounts registered under this email.
If you're trying to log in to an existing account, here are some things to try:
Try other email addresses you own. You might want to search your mail for old Goodreads emails to see which address they went to. It also may be a good idea to enter all your known email addresses into the tool, then check your inbox as well as your spam folder (just in case).
Consider if you could have registered via one of our third-party logins like Facebook, Google, or Twitter. In that case, you may have never set up a Goodreads password, and need to log in with that service to access your account.
If you're still having trouble getting into your account, a direct link to your profile or any other information you can remember about your account could help us track it down for you. Just send any relevant information over to support@goodreads.com, and we are happy to look into it for you.
- The Goodreads Team