d. Generally, in conducting a research using the Delphi technique, the following procedures
will be applied as a guide:
(1) Selection of sample (experts) which is accurate and appropriate to the aim or field of study;
(2) A set of questionnaires will be formulated by the researcher to be distributed to the selected expert
panel; the questionnaires should be answered individually by the sample without any pressure or influence by
any parties; then the responses to the questionnaires will be collected to be analyzed. This is Delphi Round one;
(3) The results from the questionnaires will be returned to each expert in order to allow them to reevaluate
their former responses in comparison to other experts’ responses. This would be Delphi Round two;
(4) There would be a possibility for the researcher to extend the research cycle to Delphi Round three or
even Delphi Round four before the final process of data is finalized. Conducting the research cycle in this
manner would allow the experts to defend their preliminary responses or change their opinions to agree with
the majority opinions of other panel members. The researcher should analyze each responses, either in the form
of suggestions or rejections in every round to derive to an accurate answer based on the major preferences of
the experts, in other words to obtain the experts’ consensus.