Because you liked my status.
Now your turn. By commenting or liking my
status you became a part of the game.You
should never have commented nor liked my
status. The person who likes or comments on
my status must choose one of the following
phrases and must post it in their own FACEBOOK
for 24 hours
1. Ive beebn in 24 different relationships
2. Someone offered me a job as a prostitute but
im hesitant
3. Ive decided to stop wearing underwear
4. I still love my ex
5. I decided to be a gay/lesbian
6. Im pregnant
7. Im getting a tattoo
8. I want a baby
9. Im adopting a monkey
10. Im getting married
11. Im inlove
12. I want to die
Note: you can only choose one of these
sentences, no explanation,no comment. When
someone comments or likes your status,send
this to him/her message you must do it and
please keep the secret. Dont break the fun and good luck. Happy Chinese new year
Chat conversation end