4.17.2 Measurement method of intangible assetsCo(1)The Companyinitially measures intangible assets at cost on acquisition;DfThe cost of an externally acquired intangible asset comprises its purchase price,related taxes and surcharges and any other directly attributable expenditure ofpreparing the asset for its intended use. If the deferred payment of purchaseJrprice of intangible assets exceeding normal credit terms is substantially offinancial nature,the cost of intangible assets should be recognizedat thetspresent value of the purchase price.The intangible assets acquired which the debtor uses to pay back the debt indebt restructuring should be recognized at the fair value of the intangible assets.atThe difference between the book value of restructured debts and the fair valueleof intangible assets used to pay back the debt should be included in the current[11profit and loss;On the premise that non -monetary assets trade is of commercial nature and thefair value of the assets traded in or out can be measured reliably, the intangibleassets traded in by the trade of non -monetary assets should be recognized at thefair value of the assets traded out, unless any unambiguous evidence indicatestnthatthefairvalueoftheassetstradedinismorereliable;astothenon -monetary assets trade not meeting the aforesaid premise, the book value ofCOthe assets traded out and related taxes payable should be recognized as the cost lg of the intangible assets traded in, with gains or losses not recognized. re For intangible assets acquired from business combination under common ig control, the initial book value are initially recognized at the book value of the combinee; for intangible assets acquired from business combination not under common control, the initial book value are initially recognized at the fair value. Costs of intangible assets developed internally and independently include: the costs of materials and labor services used to develop the intangible assets, the - )1" registration fee, the amortization of other patents and franchise used in the al process of development, the interest of capitalization, and other direct expenses for preparing the intangible assets for their intended use. Id (2)Subsequent measurement of intangible assets The useful life of intangible assets is analyzed on acquisition. tg As for intangible assets with finite useful life, straight-line amortization method )e is adopted in the period when the intangible assets generate economic benefit et for enterprise; if the period when the intangible assets generate economic al benefit for enterprise cannot be forecasted, the intangible assets should be deemed as those with indefinite useful life and should not be amortized. al 4.173The estimation about the service lives of intangible asset with a finite useful life St Items . Estimated useful life Basis Land usage rights 50 years I Useful life Software 1, 10 years Estimated useful life _ 1 I Non -patented technology 10 years Estimated useful life t 11 Every final, recomputation the service lives of intangible asset with a finiter useful Le life and reappraisal the mothed of amortization. Through the reviews of aging of service lives and the mothed of amortizations, 11 we can affinnthis period as same as before. 4.17.4Citerion of intangible asset with indefinite useful life As of the balance sheet date, our company don't have