النتائج (
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Klavdiya Kalugina, one of the youngest Soviet female snipers (age 17 at the start of her military service in 1943)[1]Snipers of the Soviet Union played an important role mainly on the Eastern Front of World War II, apart from other preceding and subsequent conflicts. In World War II, Soviet snipers used the 7.62x54R riflecartridge with light, heavy, armour-piercing (B-30), armour-piercing-incendiary (B-32), zeroing-and-incendiary (P3), and tracer bullets. Most Soviet World War II snipers carried a combat load of 120 rifle cartridges in the field.[2] Unlike the militaries of other nations, these snipers could be men or women. In 1943, there were over 2,000 women functioning in this role.[3]HistoryIn 1932, the "sharpshooters' movement" started under the supervision of theKliment Voroshilov.In 1938, Red Army snipers took part in theBattle of Lake Khasan against troops of the Imperial Japanese Army[4]The most successful Soviet use of snipers during the second world war was during their defensive stages (1941–1943)[citation needed], after which the advantage of defense shifted to the German side and German snipers became a real danger to the advancing Soviets.DoctrineSoviet and Soviet-derived military doctrines include squad-level snipers, which may be called "sharpshooters" or "designated marksmen" in other doctrines (see the "Sniper" article). They do so because the long-range engagement ability was lost to ordinary troops whensubmachine guns (which are optimized for close-range, rapid-fire combat) were adopted.Soviet military doctrine used snipers for providing long-distance suppressive fireand for eliminating targets of opportunity, especially leaders, because during World War II, Soviet military leaders and combat theorists (Vassili Zaitsev contributed greatly to Soviet sniper doctrine, although he was officially neither of these) found that military organisations have difficulty replacing experienced non-commissioned officers and field officers during times of war. They also found that the more expensive and less rugged sniper riflescould match the cost-effectiveness of a cheaper assault rifle given good personnel selection, training, and adherence to doctrine. The Soviet Union also extensively used women for sniping duties, includingLyudmila Pavlichenko and Nina Lobkovskaya.After the war, the standard Soviet Armysniper team had two men.[5]After the introduction of the SVD, theSoviet army deployed snipers at platoon level. Those snipers were often chosen from personnel who did well in terms of rifle marksmanship while members ofDOSAAF. Such snipers were estimated to have a 50% probability of hitting a standing, man-sized target at 800 m (875 yd), and an 80% probability of hitting a standing, man-sized target at 500 m (547 yd). For distances not exceeding 200 m (219 yd) the probability was estimated to be well above 90%. To attain this level of accuracy the sniper could not engage more than two such targets per minute.[6]RiflesThe very first Soviet sniper rifle was designed in 1927-1928. It was the 7.62mmMosin Dragoon Rifle with a D-III optical sight (7,62-мм драгунская винтовка обр. 1891 года с оптическим прицелом Д-III на кронштейне А.А. Смирнского)[7]In 1931, the Red Army adopted the 7.62mm Mosin sniper rifle with a PE optical sight (7,62-мм снайперская винтовка обр. 1891/31 гг. c оптическим прицелом ПЕ) as the standard sniper rifle[8][9]In 1940, the Red Army adopted the 7.62mm SVT-40 semi-automatic sniper rifle with a PU optical sight (7,62-мм снайперская винтовка СВТ-40 c оптическим прицелом ПУ) as their second model of standard sniper rifle. Due to several problems, including accuracy issues and muzzle flash, as well as being complex and slow to manufacture, production ceased in October 1941, and work began on developing the PU version of the Mosin-Nagant.[7]In 1941 several 7.62mm SVT-40 semi-automatic sniper rifles with a PU optical sight were converted in full-auto sniper rifles.In 1942
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