{4101}{4150}Here you go.|Want the paper?
{4152}{4187}No. Why wouId I want the paper
{4189}{4228}I make you bring me|every day for ten years?
{4314}{4346}What's this, free today?
{4347}{4418}One doIIar?|I'II give you a buck.
{4446}{4492}No, come on, Scasse, Scassoe.
{4494}{4529}Here. That's for you .
{4531}{4561}Zsarko, pIease don't Iet him in again.
{4563}{4605}I don't want to see him|around here anymore, okay?
{4607}{4631}Get out of here.
{5085}{5148}{Y:i}So many universes,|so many planets,
{5150}{5213}{Y:i}so many countries,|so many cities,
{5215}{5286}{Y:i}so many cabs,|so many cab drivers,
{5288}{5334}{Y:i}so many streets, so many people,
{5335}{5430}{Y:i}so many years,|so many months, so many hours,
{5431}{5469}{Y:i}so many moments.
{5503}{5543}{Y:i}Be careful what you pray for.
{5577}{5629}{Y:i}God, that was always|a tough one for me.
{5683}{5727}{Y:i}And for me, Michael Shiver.
{5729}{5784}Sarah! Look this w ay, Sarah!
{5786}{5844}{Y:i}Um, 78th and Fifth, please.
{5846}{5869}{Y:i}You got it.
{6142}{6197}You 're Sarah Easton,|supermodeI.
{6198}{6225}I see you everywhere.
{6226}{6284}You 're MichaeI Shiver,|cab driver.
{6286}{6321}I see you nowhere.
{6323}{6368}What if I toId you|I was the kind of guy
{6370}{6420}that if you were off|runwaying in Spain
{6422}{6465}or whatever it is|the heII you peopIe do,
{6466}{6502}and you toId me you missed me,
{6504}{6585}I'd have a thousand red roses|waiting for you in your hoteI room.
{6586}{6644}- OnIy a thousand?|- Oh, sure.
{6646}{6713}You 're just so jaded, right?|Nothing wouId surprise you .
{6714}{6753}That's right.
{6754}{6812}What if I toId you|I was the kind of guy
{6814}{6895}who wouId fIy across the universe|just to see you smiIe--
{6897}{6937}just smiIe--
{6938}{6974}and then I'd turn and go home?
{6975}{7034}I'd say you were a man who was|Iooking to get his heart broken.
{7035}{7070}I never faII in Iove.
{7118}{7149}This time you wouId.
{7150}{7229}Come on, Sarah.|You're not so hard.
{7230}{7297}- Oh, I'm not?|- No, you're not.
{7299}{7354}WeII, we'II never know, wiII we?
{7412}{7449}Two-fifty, pIease.
{7992}{8030}I don't want your twenty bucks.
{8032}{8093}I want to take you|to dinner tonight.
{8144}{8179}Goodbye, MichaeI Shiver.
{9110}{9160}Now, when do you become,|Iike, a reaI priest--
{9162}{9205}Iike, get to|perform marriages and stuff?
{9207}{9253}WeII, after my senior thesis,
{9254}{9309}which is Sunday,|and I hope you'II be there.
{9311}{9350}I'm in that thing, aren't I?
{9352}{9389}No, you said|you didn't feeI comfortabIe
{9391}{9428}biting off the head|of a baby Jesus doII
{9430}{9469}wearing a G-string|covered in baby oiI.
{9470}{9494}Oh, that's right.
{9496}{9533}I stiII don't understand
{9534}{9614}how they're gonna Iet you|do this weird performance thing
{9616}{9681}as your senior thesis|to become a priest in a chapeI.
{9682}{9713}For many reasons.
{9714}{9753}It's an EpiscopaIian ordination,
{9754}{9798}my seminary's very progressive,|and the bishop--
{9800}{9829}No shit!
{9862}{9901}Where you going?
{10190}{10221}Sarah, mon taxi.
{10222}{10301}- I think I'm gonna waIk.|- AIyssa wiII drop you .
{10303}{10365}I'm fine.|I'II caII you tomorrow, okay?
{10366}{10414}- Are you sure? AII right. Ciao.|- Bye.
{10557}{10618}- You're here.|- You're staIking me.
{10620}{10666}I Iike that you're here.
{10667}{10712}I Iike that you're staIking me.
{10714}{10770}I was just having a harmIess|cup of tea with some friends.
{10772}{10849}If there's any staIking going on,|it must be coming from your area.
{10937}{10972}You just gonna be|rude to my friends?
{10974}{11007}Oh, I'm sorry.
{11168}{11207}- I'm married.|- ExceIIent.
{11249}{11309}- I Iove my husband.|- As do I.
{11334}{11386}Is he avaiIabIe? ShouId we caII|and invite him to dinner with us?
{11388}{11452}See, those '40s guys,|they were smooth, man.
{11454}{11527}That whoIe ''invite the husband|of the girI you Iike'' thing--genius.
{11529}{11605}I mean, totaI and utter disregard|of the idea of a IittIe thing,
{11606}{11652}Iike a girI being invoIved|with someone eIse,
{11654}{11725}couId possibIy impact their chances|of Iiving happiIy ever after with them.
{11726}{11753}I Iove that.
{11754}{11790}He's in Rome.
{11792}{11860}That's even better.|I'II fIy him here.
{11862}{11903}Fuck it, I'II fIy him|on the Concorde.
{11905}{11965}I'II put him up in a suite|in the Four Seasons.
{11966}{12005}I wiII support both of you
{12007}{12089}in the most Iuxurious,|romantic IifestyIe imaginabIe
{12090}{12145}as I just sit on the sideIines
{12146}{12208}Iike Cary Grant
{12210}{12292}wearing a suit,|you know, with an ascot,
{12294}{12339}on some Iawn,
{12341}{12425}just smoking cigarettes|confidentIy, waiting.
{12451}{12493}Waiting for you to Iove me.
{12561}{12592}Or better yet...
{12618}{12653}Or better yet what?
{12770}{12818}I'II teII you Iater.
{12819}{12865}There isn't gonna be a Iater.
{12866}{12897}There is definiteIy|gonna be a Iater.
{12899}{12944}You're good.
{12974}{13014}But you're not that good,|MichaeI Shiver.
{13042}{13069}Then why'd you come?
{13094}{13129}I came by accident.
{13165}{13210}The onIy accident|is you Ieaving right now.
{13212}{13272}But don't worry, 'cause it's|never gonna happen again.
{13382}{13417}Head uptown, pIease.
{13711}{13769}{Y:i}There wasn 't|a harder time in my life.
{13803}{13880}{Y:i}I felt destined to leave|the man I knew I loved,
{13882}{13946}{Y:i}the man I knew|I wanted to have a family witIh.
{13974}{14064}{Y:i}But with equal certainty.|I knew I would never leave him .
{14104}{14205}{Y:i}Kind of like the way I felt about|Game 6 of the '86 World Series.
{14206}{14305}{Y:i}There's no way in hell|the Mets could win that game.
{14334}{14364}{Y:i}But they did.
{14366}{14405}{Y:i}And I knew they would.
{14511}{14597}{Y:i}There are those times when you know|without a doubt that there is God.
{14629}{14653}{Y:i}The chills.
{14690}{14745}{Y:i}You just get those chills.
{14852}{14886}- What?|- That was great, Amy.
{14887}{14927}I think we got it.
{15002}{15033}What is up with you?
{15061}{15114}Where did you meet her?|In your cab?
{15150}{15229}Crazy, I Iove it. And she just|appeared outside Iast night?
{15256}{15316}- Just be carefuI, MichaeI.|- What? She's married.
{15318}{15385}She'II rip you apart.|You'II never know what hit you .
{15386}{15417}That's not fair, SaIIy.|You don't know her.
{15419}{15497}Come on, Robin, she's the most|beautifuI woman in the worId.