Illustrate a person that you always dreamed of as a friend, That person, I found out, is my sister, who is always there for me. My sister is a very admirable person because of her intelligence, beauty, and personality.
To begin with, my sister is a very admirable person, and she proves it day by day. First of all, my sister is one of the best students in her class. For example, she is always bringing home pure A’s, and she studies almost all day long. Also, her expressions when she speaks are very intellectual phrases, proving her intelligence. To illustrate, when she talks in class, usually her friends will stay looking at her as if she were some kind of person with more brain than everybody else in that room. Moreover, she is a very independent person. She doesn’t need to be helped by anybody because she is always capable to do anything she wants by herself. When she does her homework, she doesn’t ask for help even if she would need it, she would spend time on it trying hard to do it by her own.
Furthermore, my sister is always considered as a beautiful teenager. Her face looks like a baby face, not only because of the skin, but also because of the expressions. As an illustration, her eyes will always make you remember childhood. Also, she is always concerned about the way she looks, and she tries as much as possible to look nice and wear the appropriate clothes and makeup. Furthermore, she always goes to the fitness center to keep in shape and workout as much as she needs. For example, the last month she was going three times a week for about an hour because she gained a few pounds, but now that she lost them she is going twice a week. For my sister, it is always important the way she looks because, as she says, “one’s appearance is the reflection of one’s personality”.
Also, her personality is what I mostly like about her, and that is what makes her special. My sister is a very sympathetic person, and this
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
توضيح شخص الذي كنت أحلم دائماً من صديق، هذا الشخص، كما تبين، أختي، الذي دائماً هناك للي. أختي شخص رائع جداً بسبب الذكاء، والجمال، وشخصية. بادئ ذي بدء، أختي شخص رائع جداً، وأنها تثبت أنه يوما بعد يوم. أختي أولاً وقبل كل شيء، واحد من أفضل الطلبة في صفها. على سبيل المثال، أنها دائماً جلب المنزل أ نقي، والدراسات أنها تقريبا طوال اليوم. أيضا، هي تعبيرات لها عندما تتحدث العبارات الفكرية جداً، تثبت لها الاستخبارات. لتوضيح، عندما تتحدث في الفئة، عادة ما سيبقى صديقاتها يبحث في وجهها كما لو كانت نوعا من الشخص مع الدماغ أكثر من أي شخص آخر في تلك الغرفة. وعلاوة على ذلك، أنها شخص مستقل جداً. وقالت أنها لا تحتاج إلى مساعدة من أي شخص لأنها دائماً قادرة على القيام بأي شيء وقالت أنها تريد بنفسها. عندما قالت لها الواجبات المنزلية، قالت أنها لا تطلب المساعدة حتى لو أنها في حاجة إليها، وقالت أنها ستنفق الوقت على أنها تسعى جاهدة للقيام بذلك بنفسها. Furthermore, my sister is always considered as a beautiful teenager. Her face looks like a baby face, not only because of the skin, but also because of the expressions. As an illustration, her eyes will always make you remember childhood. Also, she is always concerned about the way she looks, and she tries as much as possible to look nice and wear the appropriate clothes and makeup. Furthermore, she always goes to the fitness center to keep in shape and workout as much as she needs. For example, the last month she was going three times a week for about an hour because she gained a few pounds, but now that she lost them she is going twice a week. For my sister, it is always important the way she looks because, as she says, “one’s appearance is the reflection of one’s personality”. Also, her personality is what I mostly like about her, and that is what makes her special. My sister is a very sympathetic person, and this ...
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