she feels Jalal beside her, he gives her a reassuring gaze, reaches over and rubs her back "umm ammi, I already told you we are not sure if we are ready for children just yet, it is our personal choice" The disappointed look on their mother's faces had Jo feeling bad for them. Maasa gives Jo a tight hug and whispers in her ears "we are not expecting a baby from you immediately ...just keep it in your mind ...sometime soon in the near future" Teary goodbyes again and they leave, Jalal laces his fingers with Jo's and pulls her closer side hugging her and whispers "seems like they are stuck in their grandchild fantasy, since you like to keep them happy, maybe we should oblige, what do you say" he chuckles as they walk out towards their car. Jo becomes silent as they get into their car ...Jalal begins to drive ...he looks at her sideways and says "were you being pressured?" she nods "it was quite annoying to hear it every time I spoke with them, but I just tuned them out" and laughs. Jalal does not answer, stays silent for a while Jo gets nervous...she looks at him, lays her hand on his "Jalal, do you really want children, I remember reading an article about you, where you had stressed that you didn't want kids in one of your interviews?" she asks softly ...she didn't think he heard, but he did, he looks at her, flashes a big smile and says "yeah, I do...I didn't at first...all these years I never wanted to be married, never wanted to be a father ...but all that changed after I met you...I have done a lot of thinking Jo and have come to the conclusion that am enjoying being married and someday I want you to make me a father" His answer was honest, he gives her hand a light squeeze. Watching Jalal from the passenger seat as he sped calmly in New York's . .