My story started when i traveled from my country Syria because of war , I lost everything there and that made me very sad and depressed , I started eating and gaining weight because i felt i have nothing to do it my life anymore , but one day i was sitting and I said to myself it is not the end of the world , I still can do amazing things, i started losing weight and going to gym daily , after that I applied for Miss arab world 2016 and I won ! From fat hopeless girl to strong successful one , losing weight affected my whole life and gave me confidence, happiness and make me feel alive one more time ,my advice for you to all who want to lose weight , first thing to put a target on your mind ,then start working to achieve it you have to be patient because it is a long-term plan that starts with cutting out the processed food , fast food , fried food at all and reduce
the amount of crabs in your meals , eat fruits and veggies and food with protein Because it is very important to build your muscles , sleeping early and drinking water helps in losing weight faster. Starting tip: Believe in your dream and to start working from now