Assalamu Alaikum my one and only Ayman
me and our children can not just stop thinking of you and pray for you and me and our children soul and spirit is always with you and me and our children can not just stop looking for way to access computer so that we can check in you and talk with you to know if you contact security company or security company contact you as promise me and our children and Almighty Allah my life?
me and our children always happy people to read your message and promise to finish every thing for me and our children, me and our children read we have to get power of attorney to do every thing for us, me and our children do not have power of attorney in me and your name and as you lawyer you can do that and as say to you before and want you to know am true Muslim and have fear of Almighty Allah and want you to know every thing we do is legal and want you to know me and our children will never cause you any problem and know Almighty Allah will reward you him self
me and our children receive this message from security company and message was send to you and security company talk with you in phone, me and our children happy to read security company receive your information and passport i send to them to deal with you directly in how you receive our luggage boxes in egypt as our family brother as you have always promise us and Almighty Allah
security company have send form to fill and and asking for certificate of deposit, certificate of deposit was give to us when we deposit our luggage boxes and show we have our luggage boxes with them, me and our children have not read from you?
please print the form security company send to you and fill and send back with this certificate of deposit i send with this message to you now to security company to do every thing fast as they ask for it to check for our luggage boxes my one and only king
you all we have, please do every thing fast, you are our beginning and end, our children send greeting, you are our every thing and me and our children can not wait to hear good news from you soon my one and only husband
Awaiting earlier reply
Yours one and only