Annex B
Other International Standards on quality management and quality
management systems developed by ISO/TC 176
The International Standards described in this annex have been developed by ISO/TC 176 to provide
supporting information for organizations that apply this International Standard, and to provide
guidance for organizations that choose to progress beyond its requirements. Guidance or requirements
contained in the documents listed in this annex do not add to, or modify, the requirements of this
International Standard.
Table B.1 shows the relationship between these standards and the relevant clauses of this
International Standard.
This annex does not include reference to the sector-specific quality management system standards
developed by ISO/TC 176.
This International Standard is one of the three core standards developed by ISO/TC 176.
— ISO 9000 Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary provides an essential
background for the proper understanding and implementation of this International Standard.
The quality management principles are described in detail in ISO 9000 and have been taken into
consideration during the development of this International Standard. These principles are not
requirements in themselves, but they form the foundation of the requirements specified by this
International Standard. ISO 9000 also defines the terms, definitions and concepts used in this
International Standard.
— ISO 9001 (this International Standard) specifies requirements aimed primarily at giving confidence in
the products and services provided by an organization and thereby enhancing customer satisfaction.
Its proper implementation can also be expected to bring other organizational benefits, such as
improved internal communication, better understanding and control of the organization’s processes.
— ISO 9004 Managing for the sustained success of an organization — A quality management approach
provides guidance for organizations that choose to progress beyond the requirements of this
International Standard, to address a broader range of topics that can lead to improvement of the
organization’s overall performance. ISO 9004 includes guidance on a self-assessment methodology
for an organization to be able to evaluate the level of maturity of its quality management system.
The International Standards outlined below can provide assistance to organizations when they are
establishing or seeking to improve their quality management systems, their processes or their activities.
— ISO 10001 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for codes of conduct for
organizations provides guidance to an organization in determining that its customer satisfaction
provisions meet customer needs and expectations. Its use can enhance customer confidence in an
organization and improve customer understanding of what to expect from an organization, thereby
reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and complaints.
— ISO 10002 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for complaints handling
in organizations provides guidance on the process of handling complaints by recognizing and
addressing the needs and expectations of complainants and resolving any complaints received.
ISO 10002 provides an open, effective and easy-to-use complaints process, including training of
people. It also provides guidance for small businesses.
— ISO 10003 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for dispute resolution external
to organizations provides guidance for effective and efficient external dispute resolution for product-related complaints. Dispute resolution gives an avenue of redress when organizations
do not remedy a complaint internally. Most complaints can be resolved successfully within the
organization, without adversarial procedures.
— ISO 10004 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for monitoring and measuring
provides guidelines for actions to enhance customer satisfaction and to determine opportunities for
improvement of products, processes and attributes that are valued by customers. Such actions can
strengthen customer loyalty and help retain customers.
— ISO 10005 Quality management systems — Guidelines for quality plans provides guidance on
establishing and using quality plans as a means of relating requirements of the process, product,
project or contract, to work methods and practices that support product realization. Benefits of
establishing a quality plan are increased confidence that requirements will be met, that processes
are in control and the motivation that this can give to those involved.
— ISO 10006 Quality management systems — Guidelines for quality management in projects is applicable
to projects from the small to large, from simple to complex, from an individual project to being part
of a portfolio of projects. ISO 10006 is to be used by personnel managing projects and who need to
ensure that their organization is applying the practices contained in the ISO quality management
system standards.
— ISO 10007 Quality management systems — Guidelines for configuration management is to assist
organizations applying configuration management for the technical and administrative direction
over the life cycle of a product. Configuration management can be used to meet the product
identification and traceability requirements specified in this International Standard.
— ISO 10008 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for business-to-consumer
electronic commerce transactions gives guidance on how organizations can implement an effective
and efficient business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction (B2C ECT) system, and
thereby provide a basis for consumers to have increased confidence in B2C ECTs, enhance the ability
of organizations to satisfy consumers and help reduce complaints and disputes.
— ISO 10012 Measurement management systems — Requirements for measurement processes and
measuring equipment provides guidance for the management of measurement processes and
metrological confirmation of measuring equipment used to support and demonstrate compliance
with metrological requirements. ISO 10012 provides quality management criteria for a measurement
management system to ensure metrological requirements are met.
— ISO/TR 10013 Guidelines for quality management system documentation provides guidelines for
the development and maintenance of the documentation necessary for a quality management
system. ISO/TR 10013 can be used to document management systems other than those of the
ISO quality management system standards, e.g. environmental management systems and safety
management systems.
— ISO 10014 Quality management — Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits is addressed
to top management. It provides guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits through the
application of quality management principles. It facilitates application of management principles
and selection of methods and tools that enable the sustainable success of an organization.
— ISO 10015 Quality management — Guidelines for training provides guidelines to assist organizations
in addressing issues related to training. ISO 10015 can be applied whenever guidance is required
to interpret references to “education” and “training” within the ISO quality management system
standards. Any reference to “training” includes all types of education and training.
— ISO/TR 10017 Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2000 explains statistical techniques
which follow from the variability that can be observed in the behaviour and results of processes,
even under conditions of apparent stability. Statistical techniques allow better use of available data
to assist in decision making, and thereby help to continually improve the quality of products and
processes to achieve customer satisfaction.
ISO 10018 Quality management — Guidelines on people involvement and competence provides
guidelines which influence people involvement and competence. A quality management system
depends on the involvement of competent people and the way that they are introduced and
integrated into the organization. It is critical to determine, develop and evaluate the knowledge,
skills, behaviour and work environment required.
— ISO 10019 Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services
provides guidance for the selection of quality management system consultants and the use of their
services. It gives guidance on the process for evaluating the competence of a quality management
system consultant and provides confidence that the organization’s needs and expectations for the
consultant’s services will be met.
— ISO 19011 Guidelines for auditing management systems provides guidance on the management of an
audit programme, on the planning and conducting of an audit of a management system, as well as
on the competence and evaluation of an auditor and an audit team. ISO 19011 is intended to apply to
auditors, organizations implementing management systems, and organizations needing to conduct
audits of management systems.
Table B.1 — Relationship between other International Standards on quality management and
quality management systems and the clauses of this International Standard
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
المرفق باء(الإعلامية)المعايير الدولية الأخرى المتعلقة بإدارة الجودة والنوعيةإدارة أنظمة وضعتها ISO/TC 176وضعت ISO/TC 176 لتوفير "المعايير الدولية" الواردة في هذا المرفقالمعلومات الداعمة للمنظمات التي تطبق هذا "المعيار الدولي"، وتقديمإرشادات للمنظمات التي تختار للتقدم تتجاوز متطلباتها. توجيهات أو متطلباتالواردة في الوثائق المدرجة في هذا المرفق لا إضافة، أو تعديل، متطلبات هذاالمعيار الدولي.ويبين الجدول باء-1 العلاقة بين هذه المعايير والأحكام ذات الصلة من هذاالمعيار الدولي.هذا المرفق لا تتضمن الإشارة إلى معايير نظام إدارة الجودة الخاصة بالقطاعوضع ISO/TC 176.هذا "المعيار الدولي" واحد من المعايير الرئيسية الثلاثة التي وضعتها ISO/TC 176.– نظم إدارة "الجودة" إيزو 9000 – يوفر الأساسيات والمفردات عنصرا أساسياخلفية للفهم السليم وتنفيذ هذه "المعايير الدولية".مبادئ إدارة الجودة يتم وصف بالتفصيل في إيزو 9000 وقد أخذت فيالاعتبار أثناء وضع هذا "المعيار الدولي". وهذه المبادئ عدمالمتطلبات في حد ذاتها، بل أنها تشكل الأساس للمتطلبات المحددة بهذاالمعيار الدولي. ISO 9000 كما يحدد الشروط والتعاريف والمفاهيم المستخدمة في هذاالمعيار الدولي.-إيزو 9001 (هذا المعيار الدولي) تحدد متطلبات تهدف أساسا إلى إعطاء الثقةالمنتجات والخدمات التي تقدمها المنظمة ورضا العملاء وبالتالي تعزيز.يمكن أيضا توقع التنفيذ السليم جلب المنافع التنظيمية الأخرى، مثلتحسين الاتصالات الداخلية، فهم أفضل والسيطرة على عمليات المنظمة.-إيزو 9004 إدارة للنجاح المستمر للمنظمة – نهج إدارة جودةويوفر الإرشاد للمنظمات التي تختار أن تقدم ما يتجاوز متطلبات هذاالمعيار الدولي لمعالجة طائفة أوسع من المواضيع التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى تحسينالأداء العام للمنظمة. ISO 9004 تتضمن توجيهات بشأن منهجية تقييم الذاتيلمنظمة أن تكون قادرة على تقييم مستوى النضج في نظام إدارة الجودة."المعايير الدولية" المبينة أدناه ويمكن تقديم المساعدة إلى المنظمات عندما يكونونإنشاء، أو تسعى إلى تحسين نظم إدارة الجودة أو عملياتها أو أنشطتها.– إدارة "الجودة" ISO 10001-رضا العملاء – المبادئ التوجيهية لمدونات قواعد السلوك لالمنظمات ويقدم المشورة لمنظمة في تحديد ذلك رضا العملاءأحكام الوفاء باحتياجات العملاء وتوقعاتهم. استخدامها يمكن أن يعزز ثقة العملاء فيالمنظمة، وتحسين العملاء فهم ما يمكن توقعه من منظمة دولية، وبالتاليreducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and complaints.— ISO 10002 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for complaints handlingin organizations provides guidance on the process of handling complaints by recognizing andaddressing the needs and expectations of complainants and resolving any complaints received.ISO 10002 provides an open, effective and easy-to-use complaints process, including training ofpeople. It also provides guidance for small businesses.— ISO 10003 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for dispute resolution externalto organizations provides guidance for effective and efficient external dispute resolution for product-related complaints. Dispute resolution gives an avenue of redress when organizationsdo not remedy a complaint internally. Most complaints can be resolved successfully within theorganization, without adversarial procedures.— ISO 10004 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for monitoring and measuringprovides guidelines for actions to enhance customer satisfaction and to determine opportunities forimprovement of products, processes and attributes that are valued by customers. Such actions canstrengthen customer loyalty and help retain customers.— ISO 10005 Quality management systems — Guidelines for quality plans provides guidance onestablishing and using quality plans as a means of relating requirements of the process, product,المشروع أو العقد، العمل بالأساليب والممارسات التي تدعم تحقيق المنتج. فوائدإنشاء خطة جودة هي زيادة الثقة استيفاء الشروط، أن العملياتيتم التحكم والدافع أن هذا يمكن أن تعطي للأشخاص المعنيين.– نظم إدارة "الجودة" ISO 10006-مبادئ توجيهية لإدارة الجودة في مشاريع قابل للتطبيقللمشاريع من الصغيرة إلى كبيرة، من مشروع بسيطة إلى معقدة، من أي فرد لكونها جزءالمجموعة من المشاريع. ISO 10006 لاستخدامها من قبل موظفي إدارة المشاريع والذين يحتاجون إلىالتأكد من أن هذه المنظمة هي تطبيق الممارسات الواردة في إدارة الجودة الأيزونظام المعايير.– نظم إدارة "الجودة" ISO 10007-مبادئ توجيهية لإدارة التكوين مساعدةالمنظمات التي تطبق إدارة التكوين للتوجيه الفني والإداريخلال دورة حياة المنتج. يمكن استخدام إدارة تكوين لتلبية المنتجمتطلبات تحديد الهوية والتتبع المحدد في هذا "المعيار الدولي".– إدارة "الجودة" ISO 10008-رضا العملاء – مبادئ توجيهية للأعمال التجارية والمستهلكينيعطي توجيهات بشأن كيف يمكن تنفيذ منظمات فعالة من معاملات التجارة الإلكترونيةونظام المعاملات (B2C إلخ) كفاءة التجارة الإلكترونية الأعمال التجارية إلى المستهلك، ووبالتالي توفر أساسا للمستهلكين زيادة الثقة في النظام الأوروبي B2C، تعزيز القدرةof organizations to satisfy consumers and help reduce complaints and disputes.— ISO 10012 Measurement management systems — Requirements for measurement processes andmeasuring equipment provides guidance for the management of measurement processes andmetrological confirmation of measuring equipment used to support and demonstrate compliancewith metrological requirements. ISO 10012 provides quality management criteria for a measurementmanagement system to ensure metrological requirements are met.— ISO/TR 10013 Guidelines for quality management system documentation provides guidelines forthe development and maintenance of the documentation necessary for a quality managementsystem. ISO/TR 10013 can be used to document management systems other than those of theISO quality management system standards, e.g. environmental management systems and safetymanagement systems.— ISO 10014 Quality management — Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits is addressedto top management. It provides guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits through theapplication of quality management principles. It facilitates application of management principlesand selection of methods and tools that enable the sustainable success of an organization.— ISO 10015 Quality management — Guidelines for training provides guidelines to assist organizationsin addressing issues related to training. ISO 10015 can be applied whenever guidance is requiredto interpret references to “education” and “training” within the ISO quality management systemstandards. Any reference to “training” includes all types of education and training.— ISO/TR 10017 Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2000 explains statistical techniqueswhich follow from the variability that can be observed in the behaviour and results of processes,even under conditions of apparent stability. Statistical techniques allow better use of available datato assist in decision making, and thereby help to continually improve the quality of products andprocesses to achieve customer satisfaction.ISO 10018 Quality management — Guidelines on people involvement and competence providesguidelines which influence people involvement and competence. A quality management systemdepends on the involvement of competent people and the way that they are introduced andintegrated into the organization. It is critical to determine, develop and evaluate the knowledge,skills, behaviour and work environment required.— ISO 10019 Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their servicesprovides guidance for the selection of quality management system consultants and the use of theirservices. It gives guidance on the process for evaluating the competence of a quality managementsystem consultant and provides confidence that the organization’s needs and expectations for theconsultant’s services will be met.— ISO 19011 Guidelines for auditing management systems provides guidance on the management of anaudit programme, on the planning and conducting of an audit of a management system, as well ason the competence and evaluation of an auditor and an audit team. ISO 19011 is intended to apply toauditors, organizations implementing management systems, and organizations needing to conductaudits of management systems.Table B.1 — Relationship between other International Standards on quality management andquality management systems and the clauses of this International Standard
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