4- In the event of Second Party’s failure to perform its duties made in the abovementioned clause for any reason and at any time, the remaining balance of the full indebtedness, interests, suit fees as per the Primary Court order shall be realized from the first party by filing execution before the court.
5- This Agreement shall be annexed with the minutes of Primary case No. 46/2015 in Muscat Primary court, Commercial section, in order to prove its content and which shall be considered as powerful as the execution bond.
6- The parties has to execute three copies of agreement as original and each parties should hold one and one should submit before Muscat Primary court.
7- Both the parties agreed to deposit a copy of this Agreement in the file of case No. 46/2015 Muscat Primary Court, in order to work in accordance with its abovementioned terms and conditions.
8- This Agreement has been executed on this…day of June 2016.
First Party:
Rakfix llc
Second Party:
Al Rahji Development Co. llc