We're sorry that you're experiencing issues with your application; we absolutely understand that unexpected occurrences can be frustrating! We've found that many issues such as the one that you're seeing can be attributed to a wide variety of causes that come from outside of the system itself and that we cannot directly fix on your behalf.
Such issues can be web-browser related; to address this, we recommend using the most recent versions of the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers. If you're already using the most up-to-date version of those browsers, we'd recommend closing out of all windows pertaining to our system, clearing the cache and cookies from your web browser and then returning to the application posting. If the issue persists, our troubleshooting is most effective when we have all of the information about the exact circumstances where you're seeing it: for this, we highly encourage you to send us a screenshot of the issue, along with the name of the organization to which you're applying, the specific requisition you're working in, and any numeric error code that might have accompanied the issue.
If you are still encountering difficulties with the application process after following the provided troubleshooting guidelines, or if you have any questions about the requirements of the application process, we do encourage you to reach out to the Human Resources department at the organization to which you're applying; they can often provide tips or guidance for successful completion of the application process.
Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance, and best of luck with the application process!
ClearCompany Support