Videos purporting to show police abuse have been periodically leaked i ترجمة - Videos purporting to show police abuse have been periodically leaked i العربية كيف أقول

Videos purporting to show police ab

Videos purporting to show police abuse have been periodically leaked in Bahrain since 2011, when pro-democracy protests erupted before being put down by security forces leading to the deaths of scores of activists.

Authorities have accused protesters of being violent – a number of police officers have been killed in sporadic attacks – and say the opposition are backed by Shiite Iran, although no specific evidence has been published to back this up.

Bahraini activist Yousif said he had little faith in the MOI’s investigation into this latest leaked video.

“Lots of people have been tortured and killed – and many videos have been leaked – and then investigations have been launched,” he said. “But there have never been any results.”

“Even if the case came to court the judiciary is not independent and justice will not be served,” Yousid added.

A 64-page report released by New York-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch in May this year said Bahrain’s justice system “fails to deliver basic accountability and impartial justice”.

“Bahrain’s problem is not a dysfunctional justice system, but rather a highly functional injustice system,” Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch said.

The Bahraini human rights activist, who asked to remain anonymous, said the government is ultimately responsible for police officers allegedly abusing prisoners.

“This latest video is only a small example of what the Shiite people face with the security institution in Bahrain,” they said. “It’s not about the guy who committed the torture directly, the crime is being done by authorities who have created a culture of hatred against religious groups.”

“We won’t solve this until the military and security institutions represent the Bahraini nation by including all religious groups.”
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
Videos purporting to show police abuse have been periodically leaked in Bahrain since 2011, when pro-democracy protests erupted before being put down by security forces leading to the deaths of scores of activists.Authorities have accused protesters of being violent – a number of police officers have been killed in sporadic attacks – and say the opposition are backed by Shiite Iran, although no specific evidence has been published to back this up.Bahraini activist Yousif said he had little faith in the MOI’s investigation into this latest leaked video.“Lots of people have been tortured and killed – and many videos have been leaked – and then investigations have been launched,” he said. “But there have never been any results.”“Even if the case came to court the judiciary is not independent and justice will not be served,” Yousid added.A 64-page report released by New York-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch in May this year said Bahrain’s justice system “fails to deliver basic accountability and impartial justice”.“Bahrain’s problem is not a dysfunctional justice system, but rather a highly functional injustice system,” Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch said.The Bahraini human rights activist, who asked to remain anonymous, said the government is ultimately responsible for police officers allegedly abusing prisoners.وقالوا "هذا الفيديو الأخير فقط مثال صغير لما من وجه الشعب الشيعي مع المؤسسة الأمنية في البحرين". "أنها ليست حول الرجل الذي ارتكب التعذيب مباشرة، الجريمة تقوم به السلطات الذين قاموا بإنشاء ثقافة الكراهية ضد الجماعات الدينية"."نحن لن يحل هذا حتى الجيش والمؤسسات الأمنية تمثل الأمة البحريني بها بما في ذلك جميع الجماعات الدينية".
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
Videos purporting to show police abuse have been periodically leaked in Bahrain since 2011, when pro-democracy protests erupted before being put down by security forces leading to the deaths of scores of activists.

Authorities have accused protesters of being violent – a number of police officers have been killed in sporadic attacks – and say the opposition are backed by Shiite Iran, although no specific evidence has been published to back this up.

Bahraini activist Yousif said he had little faith in the MOI’s investigation into this latest leaked video.

“Lots of people have been tortured and killed – and many videos have been leaked – and then investigations have been launched,” he said. “But there have never been any results.”

“Even if the case came to court the judiciary is not independent and justice will not be served,” Yousid added.

A 64-page report released by New York-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch in May this year said Bahrain’s justice system “fails to deliver basic accountability and impartial justice”.

“Bahrain’s problem is not a dysfunctional justice system, but rather a highly functional injustice system,” Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch said.

The Bahraini human rights activist, who asked to remain anonymous, said the government is ultimately responsible for police officers allegedly abusing prisoners.

“This latest video is only a small example of what the Shiite people face with the security institution in Bahrain,” they said. “It’s not about the guy who committed the torture directly, the crime is being done by authorities who have created a culture of hatred against religious groups.”

“We won’t solve this until the military and security institutions represent the Bahraini nation by including all religious groups.”
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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