With reference to the above matter and to our discussions with your representatives Emirates Realty of PO Box 126927, Dubai, UAE, we are very pleased to submit this letter to you to indicate our preliminary intent in acquiring the Labour Camps (the "Transaction"). The indicative price for the Transaction of AED125, 000,000 is noted but is subject to the results of our In Depth Study and mutual discussions between us.
In order to further explore and consider the Transaction including the price, we would need to undertake a full feasibility study including undertaking a full business, financial, legal and operational due diligence and study for the Transaction (the "In Depth Study"). We are targeting to complete the In Depth Study by November 30, 2015 (the "Cut-Off Date").
If the results of the In Depth Study are acceptable and satisfactory to us then we would be happy to move forward and commence negotiations with you and to work on the relevant agreements to kick off the Transaction.
In order to move forward, please indicate your agreement (by counter signing this letter) that:
(a) From the date of this letter until the Cut-Off Date (the "Exclusive Period"), you shall negotiate and discuss with Flag Holdings on the Transaction on an exclusive basis and to the exclusion of all other persons or entities;
(b) you will arrange for all documents pertaining and connected to the Labour Camps and/or Transaction to be promptly provided to us for our review and that we are able to discuss and make further inquiries with you and/or your advisers;
(c) You will permit us and our representatives and advisers to visit the Labour Camps.
We hope that you will be able to provide the documents stated in para (b) to us no later than
November 3, 2015 so that we have some time to do the In Depth Study.
For legal reasons, this letter and its contents are not intended to be and do not in any way constitute a legally binding offer or obligation on our part.
This letter is provided on the strict understanding that both of us shall mutually keep all matters pertaining to the Transaction, communications and discussions between us strictly private and confidential. No announcement shall be made of our interest in this Transaction. However, we may disclose to our respective representatives and/or advisers, to any government authority and/or if required by law.
We look forward to hearing from you and if you have any questions, please contact myself (email : and Adnan Tareen (CFO I CIO) at
Thank you.