Leng Shi Zhi was anxious to put all of his most powerful treasures on his body, afraid that someone wouldn’t know that he was the first genius of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, as well as one that possessed numerous treasures.
In fact, Leng Shi Zhi wasn’t the only one to dress up today, all of the male disciples were adorning beautiful clothings as well. Their treasures were in plain sight on their bodies, afraid that people wouldn’t know that they didn’t have so many treasures.
Li Qi Ye saw this scene and could only shake his head. He told Protector Mo who was standing near by:
-These people seemed to be attending the circus, not Li Shuang Yan’s greeting party!
Nan Huai Ren didn’t have the qualification to stand next to the upper echelons during the greeting party, only Protector Mo was next to Li Qi Ye. Hearing those words, Protector Mo could only let out a small hollow smile.
-Be more formal!
At this time, Leng Shi Zhi who was standing in front turned back and coldly said:
-Princess Li is the descendant of the imperial family, the most distinguished guest of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. We must greet her in the most dignified manner, in order to avoid disgrace and shame to our sect!
Finished speaking, he looked at Li Qi Ye with disdain.
At this point, Li Qi Ye alone, was wearing a cotton garment, unadorned by any treasures and looked exactly like a mortal. At first, Leng Shi Zhi was assigned to be standing side by side with Li Qi Ye, but Leng Shi Zhi believed that he was above the piece of waste, so he took the initiative to stand in front.
-Her royal highness’ presence is definitely an honor to all of us.
Among the male disciples waiting, one excitedly exclaimed.
Leng Shi Zhi was dismissive of these disciples, their talents were so average, how could they win Princess Li’s favor. It was simply a toad wanting to eat a swan’s meat! Hmmph, as for the idiotic Li Qi Ye, he wasn’t even a toad; he was not even qualified to have such a thought.
WIth this thought, Leng Shi Zhi had an even greater disdain for Li Qi Ye. Although the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and the Nine Saint Demon Gate had an ancient marriage pact, only the Prime Disciple like Li Qi Ye would have the right to marry Li Shuang Yan. However, Leng Shi Zhi didn’t care for this ancient convention; Li Qi Ye was not qualified to marry Li Shuang Yan in his eyes, and surely Li Shuang Yan would hate a piece of trash like Li Qi Ye.
In Leng Shi Zhi’s opinion, as long as he had the opportunity to be close to Li Shuang Yan, he could please her enough to win her favor. He was extremely confident in himself, he was the first genius of the sect after all!
Li Shuang Yan had yet to come. At the ancient gateway, some of the younger generation couldn’t help but quietly whisper amongst each other. A disciple asked:
-This time the princess is coming to our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, what is her purpose?
-I heard that the Prime Disciple and the successor of the Nine Saint Demon Gate were determined to be married.
An older disciple knew a little about it, and thoughtfully said.
After hearing this answer, one disciple glanced at Li Qi Ye and contemptuously said.
One disciple said with disdain:
-Him? Hmmph, in my opinion, the princess came to dissolve this marriage. Her royal highness would be dismissive of an idiot with a Mortal Physique, Mortal Life Wheel, and Mortal Fate Palace.
-Whatever reason it might be for the princess’ arrival, this is a good chance for us to be close to her royal highness.
A disciple excitedly said.
The only person without any interest in these little arguments was Li Qi Ye. It was fine to occasionally act in a play, but if this took any longer, he would lose his interest!
At this time, an “Ooomph” resonated from the Dao gateway, it blindingly illuminated the eyes. The brilliant crystal door was opened, and the dimension between the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and the Nine Saint Demon Gate was finally connected. A group of people stepped out from the gateway, and the first person was the successor, Li Shuang Yan of the Nine Saint Demon Gate.
In addition to her, there were a few familiar faces to Li Qi Ye, such as Grand Protector Yu He and a few exceptional disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate.
Li Shuang Yan, still dressed in white, her masterpiece of an alluring face was still cold as snow; arrogant like a goddess sitting on her throne, causing even the moon and sun to blush in her presence.
As for the male disciples, especially the ones that were seeing Li Shuang Yan for the first time, they were stunned by her beautiful face and figure and couldn’t recover for a long time. Even the female disciples found that the appearance of Li Shuang Yan totally eclipsed their own, and subconsciously felt ugly in comparison.
The person who claimed to be the first genius of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, Leng Shi Zhi, couldn’t keep himself from staring at Li Shuang Yan’s features; he los
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
تشي شي لينغ حريصة على وضع كل من له كنوز أقوى على جسده، يخشى أن شخص لم أكن أعرف أنه كان أول عبقرية "الطائفة القديمة البخور التطهير"، فضلا عن أن يمتلك العديد من الكنوز.في الواقع، تشي شي لينغ لم يكن واحد فقط اللباس وحتى اليوم، كل من التلاميذ الذكور كانت تزين الملابس الجميلة، وكذلك. وكانت ثرواتهم على مرأى من على أجسادهم، يخشى أن الناس لا يعرفون أنه لم يكن لديهم الكثير من الكنوز.لي تشي يي شهد هذا المشهد، وإلا يمكن أن يهز رأسه. وقال مو حامي الذي كان يقف بالقرب من:-هؤلاء الناس يبدو أن حضور السيرك، وليس تحية الطرف لي شوانغ يان!رن هواي نان لم يكن المؤهلات الوقوف بجوار المراتب العليا في حفل المعايدة، فقط حامي مو بجوار "لي تشي يي". الاستماع إلى هذه الكلمات، يمكن أن تسمح مو حامي فقط بابتسامة جوفاء صغيرة.-تكون أكثر رسمية!في هذا الوقت، لنغ شي تشي الذي كان يقف أمام تعود إلى الوراء، وبرود قال:-الأميرة لي هو سليل العائلة الإمبراطورية، الضيف الأكثر تميزا من "الطائفة القديمة البخور التطهير". يجب أن نحيي لها بطريقة كريمة آخر، بغية تجنب الخزي والعار لنا طائفة!أنهى حديثة، وقال أنه يتطلع في "لي تشي يي" بازدراء.عند هذه النقطة، لي تشي يي وحدها، وكان يرتدي ملابس القطنية، غير مزين بأي الكنوز ويشبه بالضبط بشر. في البداية، تم تعيين لنغ شي تشي أن يقف جنبا إلى جنب مع "لي تشي يي"، ولكن لنغ شي تشي ويعتقد أنه كان فوق قطعة النفايات، حتى أنه بادر إلى الوقوف في الجبهة.-الوجود صاحبة السمو الملكي بالتأكيد لشرف لنا جميعا.من بين التلاميذ الذكور في انتظار، أحد مصيح متهللا.لنغ شي تشي كان رافض لهذه التوابع، ومواهبهم حتى متوسط، كيف يمكن أن يربح هم صالح الأميرة لي. أنه ببساطة الضفدع الرغبة في أكل اللحوم swan! هممف، أما بالنسبة الغبية "لي تشي يي"، قال أنه لم يكن حتى الضفدع؛ أنه لم يكن مؤهلاً حتى لمثل هذا التفكير.بهذا الفكر، كان تشي شي لينغ احتقار أكبر "لي تشي يي". على الرغم من أن الطائفة القديمة البخور التطهير وبوابة الشيطان سانت تسعة ميثاقا زواج قديمة، فقط "تلميذ رئيس الوزراء" مثل "لي تشي يي" سوف يكون لها الحق في الزواج لي شوانغ يان. ومع ذلك، لم أكن الرعاية لنغ شي تشي لهذه الاتفاقية القديمة؛ لي تشي يي كان غير مؤهل للزواج لي شوانغ يان في عينية، والمؤكد أن أكره يان شوانغ لي قطعة من القمامة مثل "لي تشي يي".في رأي لنغ شي تشي، طالما أتيحت له الفرصة ليكون قريبا من يان لي شوانغ، أنه يمكن أن يرجى لها ما يكفي للفوز بصالحها. أنه واثق جداً في نفسه، وأنه كان عبقرية الطائفة الأولى بعد كل شيء!يان شوانغ لي لم تأتي. في العبارة القديمة، بعض من جيل الشباب لا يسعني إلا أن يهمس بهدوء بين بعضها البعض. سأل تلميذ:-This time the princess is coming to our Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, what is her purpose?-I heard that the Prime Disciple and the successor of the Nine Saint Demon Gate were determined to be married.An older disciple knew a little about it, and thoughtfully said.-Marriage?After hearing this answer, one disciple glanced at Li Qi Ye and contemptuously said.One disciple said with disdain:-Him? Hmmph, in my opinion, the princess came to dissolve this marriage. Her royal highness would be dismissive of an idiot with a Mortal Physique, Mortal Life Wheel, and Mortal Fate Palace.-Whatever reason it might be for the princess’ arrival, this is a good chance for us to be close to her royal highness.A disciple excitedly said.The only person without any interest in these little arguments was Li Qi Ye. It was fine to occasionally act in a play, but if this took any longer, he would lose his interest!At this time, an “Ooomph” resonated from the Dao gateway, it blindingly illuminated the eyes. The brilliant crystal door was opened, and the dimension between the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and the Nine Saint Demon Gate was finally connected. A group of people stepped out from the gateway, and the first person was the successor, Li Shuang Yan of the Nine Saint Demon Gate.In addition to her, there were a few familiar faces to Li Qi Ye, such as Grand Protector Yu He and a few exceptional disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate.Li Shuang Yan, still dressed in white, her masterpiece of an alluring face was still cold as snow; arrogant like a goddess sitting on her throne, causing even the moon and sun to blush in her presence.As for the male disciples, especially the ones that were seeing Li Shuang Yan for the first time, they were stunned by her beautiful face and figure and couldn’t recover for a long time. Even the female disciples found that the appearance of Li Shuang Yan totally eclipsed their own, and subconsciously felt ugly in comparison.The person who claimed to be the first genius of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, Leng Shi Zhi, couldn’t keep himself from staring at Li Shuang Yan’s features; he los
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