The level of ICT skills held by teachers will be high since initial teacher education and in
service education will be compulsory. Teachers will become more facilitators, monitors and
assessors of learning and e-learning might cause students to become more isolated from one
another and their teachers, so face-to-face content will still be deemed to be essential.
Examinations will increasingly require the use and application of ICT skills and publishers
will provide more online materials to complement their textbooks. The virtual classroom
enabling lifelong learning will be common and virtual field-work, perceived to be lower cost
and less hazardous than the real thing, will gain in popularity but not complete! y replace
'real' fieldwork. Online teaching and learning will increase and the dominance of the
classroom as a teaching and learning centre will decline. In fact, some feel that most
geographical work will be done on the computer and the traditional text-book will decline.