Gender Coordinator
The Job
Oxfam, an international NGO working with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering, has been working in Yemen since 1983. Oxfam announces the following vacancy for its programme
Position: Gender Coordinator - (1 position)
Location: Sana’a
Contract Duration: 2 years
Grade: C2
Publishing date: 05/12/2016
Closing Date: 18/12/2016
As Oxfam’s Gender Coordinator in Yemen, you’ll be working to provide management support and technical advice to staff in several offices in Yemen. So a willingness to work in insecure environments is essential. With the support of Oxfam’s high quality security management staff and plans, the ideal candidate will be comfortable and experienced working in a conflict affected setting. Given the scale of the crisis unfolding and continuity required, we expect at least a one-year commitment to the role.
You will provide management support and leadership to ensure women’s rights are at the heart of Oxfam’s humanitarian response strategy, and Oxfam’s long term gender justice programming is relevant and adapted to a conflict/post conflict context. You will inspire, mentor and support programme staff in Yemen to understand the different needs of women, men, boys and girls, promote safe programming, and have long-term impact on women’s rights in a challenging context.
Postholder reports to: Deputy Country Director
Staff reporting to this post: 2 Gender Programme Officers and 1 Gender Programme Assistant (as line-manager), 4 Field Gender Officers (as matrix manager)
Develops and maintains a clear vision for gender mainstreaming and Oxfam’s long term gender justice programming in Yemen that links to country strategy, regional strategy and contributes to Oxfam’s global objectives.
Contributes to the development of country strategy in Yemen and encourage the integration of gender across the Yemen response, ensuring that the programme teams adapt their approaches in accordance with the changing context and opportunities.
Provides direct technical support and advice to the Yemen country office on mainstreaming gender in design, management, monitoring and evaluation of programmes.
Take an entrepreneurial approach and work with Oxfam’s partners and other stakeholders in identifying opportunities for effective programme actions that promote good governance and gender equity.
Ensure alignment with the ‘one programme approach' and linkages with humanitarian programmes, communications, policy, and advocacy.
Ensure technical/sectoral/geographic integration of programmes where appropriate.
Use relevant analytical tools and techniques to maintain a clear and in-depth understanding of the ‘gender environment’ in Yemen. This includes monitoring the socio-political context and carry out political economy analysis, power analysis, etc.
Works with others to develop advocacy and policy positions on gender in emergencies.
Supports engagement on Gender in Emergencies and Women’s Rights with peer agencies and key Working Groups, including representation of Oxfam in relevant coordination meetings including cluster meetings.
Provides strategic gender analysis for programming and advocacy on an on-going basis.
Designing, resourcing and implementing effective programme actions
Leads the overall management of Gender Justice projects implementation in Yemen and ensure that partner organisations are adequately monitored and supported.
Provides management and technical support to Gender team on gender mainstreaming and thematic areas of transformative women’s leadership, women peace and security, access to legal justice, safe access to livelihoods, etc.
Ensure the effective use of Oxfam Programme Management Information Systems with respect to the programme to facilitate project control and accurate communication of achievements.
Ensure solid, effective, and efficient project implementation processes and responsible allocation of financial and other resources, to deliver the programme in accordance with Oxfam procedures, values, and donor requirements. This includes managing, monitoring, and reviewing budgets monthly and ensure corrective action is taken as required (in line with internal and donor compliance)
Ensure that the projects comply with donor contractual obligations and that all reporting is of good quality and is done in a timely manner as well as contributing to fundraising.
Lead in proposal development of gender programme and provide information that facilitates resource mobilisation and effective management of relations with donors.
Ensure that projects are implemented in a consultative, participatory and gender sensitive way and meet Oxfam's quality standards.
Supports the identification and selection processes of project partners for gender projects in Yemen.
Ensures regular monitoring and field visits to p
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
قاعدة البيانات المهنيةالوظائف المناقصات الخدمات وظيفة شاغرة والعطاءات اتصل بنامنسق بين الجنسينالوظيفةمنظمة أوكسفام، حكومية دولية تعمل مع الآخرين إيجاد حلول دائمة للفقر والمعاناة، وقد عملت في اليمن منذ عام 1983. منظمة "أوكسفام" تعلن عن الشواغر التالية لبرنامجالوظيفة: منسق بين الجنسين-(وظيفة واحدة) المكان: صنعاءمدة العقد: سنتينالصف: C2تاريخ النشر: 12/05/2016 تاريخ الإغلاق: 18/12/2016الغرض من الوظيفة: سوف تعمل "منسق بين الجنسين" أوكسفام في اليمن، لتوفير الدعم الإداري وتقديم المشورة التقنية للموظفين في مكاتب عدة في اليمن. لذا ضروري استعداد للعمل في بيئات غير آمنة. بالدعم من موظفي إدارة الأمن عالية الجودة لمنظمة أوكسفام والخطط، سيكون المرشح المثالي مريحة وخبرة العمل في إعداد المتأثرة بصراع. نظراً لحجم الأزمة تتكشف والاستمرارية المطلوبة، ونحن نتوقع التزام سنة واحدة على الأقل بالدور.سوف توفر الدعم الإداري والقيادي لضمان حقوق المرأة في صميم استراتيجية الاستجابة الإنسانية لمنظمة أوكسفام، والعدل بين الجنسين طويل الأجل لمنظمة أوكسفام البرمجة ذات الصلة وتكييفها إلى سياق صراع/ما بعد صراع. وسوف يلهم ومعلمة ودعم موظفي البرنامج في اليمن لفهم مختلف الاحتياجات من النساء، والرجال والفتيان والفتيات، تعزيز البرمجة الآمنة، ولها تأثير طويل الأمد على حقوق المرأة في سياق تحدي.خطوط الإبلاغ:بوسثولدير تقارير إلى: نائب المدير القطريالموظفين الإبلاغ إلى هذا المنصب: 2 "من موظفي البرامج الجنسانية" و 1 مساعد برنامج نوع الجنس (كخط-مدير)، 4 ضباط الجنسين الميداني (كمدير للمصفوفة)المسؤوليات الرئيسية:القيادةيطور ويحافظ على رؤية واضحة لتعميم مراعاة المنظور الجنساني والعدالة بين الجنسين طويل الأجل لمنظمة أوكسفام البرمجة في اليمن التي تربط البلد الاستراتيجية، استراتيجية إقليمية وتسهم في الأهداف العالمية لمنظمة أوكسفام.يسهم في تطوير استراتيجية البلاد في اليمن وتشجيع إدماج نوع الجنس عبر استجابة اليمن، ضمان أن فرق برنامج تكييف نهجها وفقا للسياق والفرص المتغيرة.ويوفر الدعم التقني المباشر، وإسداء المشورة إلى المكتب القطري لليمن على تعميم مراعاة المنظور الجنساني في تصميم، وإدارة ورصد وتقييم البرامج.تأخذ بنهج تنظيم المشاريع، والعمل مع الشركاء في منظمة أوكسفام وغيرها من أصحاب المصلحة في تحديد الفرص المتاحة لبرنامج فعال للإجراءات التي تشجع حسن الإدارة والإنصاف بين الجنسين.ضمان التوافق مع 'النهج البرنامجي واحدة' والروابط مع البرامج الإنسانية والاتصالات والسياسة والدعوة.ضمان تكامل البرامج التقنية/القطاعية/الجغرافية، حسب الاقتضاء.استخدام تقنيات وأدوات تحليلية ملائمة للحفاظ على فهم واضح ومعمق 'البيئة بين الجنسين' في اليمن. وهذا يشمل رصد السياق الاجتماعي-السياسي والاضطلاع بتحليل الاقتصاد السياسي، وتحليل الطاقة، إلخ.Works with others to develop advocacy and policy positions on gender in emergencies.Supports engagement on Gender in Emergencies and Women’s Rights with peer agencies and key Working Groups, including representation of Oxfam in relevant coordination meetings including cluster meetings.Provides strategic gender analysis for programming and advocacy on an on-going basis.Designing, resourcing and implementing effective programme actionsLeads the overall management of Gender Justice projects implementation in Yemen and ensure that partner organisations are adequately monitored and supported.Provides management and technical support to Gender team on gender mainstreaming and thematic areas of transformative women’s leadership, women peace and security, access to legal justice, safe access to livelihoods, etc.Ensure the effective use of Oxfam Programme Management Information Systems with respect to the programme to facilitate project control and accurate communication of achievements.Ensure solid, effective, and efficient project implementation processes and responsible allocation of financial and other resources, to deliver the programme in accordance with Oxfam procedures, values, and donor requirements. This includes managing, monitoring, and reviewing budgets monthly and ensure corrective action is taken as required (in line with internal and donor compliance)Ensure that the projects comply with donor contractual obligations and that all reporting is of good quality and is done in a timely manner as well as contributing to fundraising.Lead in proposal development of gender programme and provide information that facilitates resource mobilisation and effective management of relations with donors.Ensure that projects are implemented in a consultative, participatory and gender sensitive way and meet Oxfam's quality standards.Supports the identification and selection processes of project partners for gender projects in Yemen.Ensures regular monitoring and field visits to p
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